Brothers (Idea)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Okay, guys, this is actually the plot for my 'Two Sides Of the Same Card!' book, which I have given up on (Sorry about that ;-;)

I just lost inspiration and had another book to keep on going so... I trust you guys to be able to do something with it. So if you want to make a fanfic with my idea here, you are welcome to do so! 

Anyway, enjoy!


What if Shadow and Joker were brothers? Think about it, it was supposed to be canon anyway. Shadow was supposed to be Joker's secret twin bro according to Takahashi-san. (His family name)

I haven't thought of a way to implement Rose in the story so what I decided was that she didn't exist, but you can fit her in if you want to.

Joker and Shadow's names were Cyan and Jack Kādo ('Kādo' means card). Shadow is older :>. The names I came up with for their parents were Hikari and Akira Kādo. Both boys are extremely smart so they had to be homeschooled by their parents before they died. (("Honey, we have to do it. They're way past the curriculum for their age and they're too smart for their peers, plus, if they just enter a higher grade level, they'll be bullied. I just know it."))

The term 'Welcome to The Shining Night' is said by the Kādo family instead of Silver Heart. He says, "Welcome to the beginning of an adventure that will last a lifetime!"

For the kids' birthday, Hikari and Akira gave both of them a necklace named "A Heritage In A Bloom". The kids swore to take care of it.

Hikari and Akira had to go on an important business flight but they promised the boys they would be back in three days. A few days later, the kids watch the news on TV and see that the plane which their parents were on crashed because of a battle between Silver Heart and Prof. Clover.

They stay at their house for a while until they start traveling around. One day, while out on an errand ((inside the mall)) there was an emergency announcement that said Kaitou Silver Heart was here in the mall, but, being kids, they ignored it. Suddenly, there was an explosion caused by one of Silver Heart's card bombs, the bros hid behind some debris and got out safely. They were fascinated by a Kaitou in action. ((SH was not aware the 2 kids were there, he thought the announcement got everyone evacuated; the bros are too short)).

After a while, they return to their old home to pay their respects and that's when both of them decided to be a Kaitou. While staying at their old home, they got an advance notice for Jack's necklace. According to the letter, Silver Heart was not aware that there were two necklaces instead of one so the boys used that to their advantage.

They wanted to bring out their full potential so they came up with a plan. Joker will infiltrate Silver Heart's base while Shadow will infiltrate Professor Clover's base.

Joker's cover was: He and his older brother were orphans taken in by someone in a town. Their caretaker gave him a and his brother twin necklaces with a diamond at its center. One day, there was an attack on the village which led to him seeing their caretaker, and everyone they knew, dead. The ones who attacked their village kept on saying, "This is for Professor Clover. Kill all the adults and take the children. Professor said that all the adults here are Phantom Thieves." They were killing the adults but kidnapping the children but before they could get to him, his brother hid him, getting himself being kidnapped and then he passed out. After that, he started traveling and training, determined to get his brother back and ((from here, it is true, they 2 of them got their necklaces from their parents and they never took it off)) coincidentally, he got an advance notice for his necklace. After that, he set up traps left and right but Silver Heart beat him. Silver Heart was not expecting a kid. But after he got the treasure and went onto the plane, he found out Joker had snuck on and took the necklace back and he said he wanted to become the best Kaitou in the world

Shadow's cover was: He and his younger brother were orphans and were traveling all over the place by themselves. He actually found twin necklaces with a diamond in the center in the trash. (This is where it starts being true) One day, while out on an errand ((inside the mall)) there was an emergency announcement that said Kaitou Silver Heart was here in the mall, but, being kids, they ignored it. Suddenly, there was an explosion caused by one of Silver Heart's card bombs (until this only is true; the bros actually hid behind some debris and got out safely) ((SH was not aware the 2 kids were there, he thought the announcement got everyone evacuated; the bros are too short)) There was debris flying everywhere but one was aimed for shadow but his younger bro pushed him out of the way. His younger bro was stuck in debris telling him to run and after some shouting, he left and right as he left, the mall they were in collapsed. One of Silver Heart's cards fell in front of him and ever since that day, he wanted revenge. He did odd jobs but one day he heard about Professor Clover and he heard he wanted to kill Silver Heart so he joined him, he trained him to be a Kaitou because, after all, to beat a Kaitou, you have to be a Kaitou

Fast forward a few years to the Shadow and Joker we know today. They came up with a ploy that they disliked each other but that couldn't be farther from the truth. They did it so well, nobody suspected them until on one night someone with high powered tech was playing with it but accidentally fired it.

While this was happening, Joker and Shadow were running away from Oniyama and company. The machine was, unfortunately, aimed at Shadow, who was distracted cause of the act that he disliked Joker. Joker noticed it before he did and the next thing Shadow knew Joker was in front of him ((facing him)) with a gaping hole in his side.

((Everything below will be what I imagined would happen! You can change it though!))

((Everyone froze. Nobody moved. Nobody said anything. It was absolute silence. 


Joker was rapidly turning pale in front of him. His breathing quickly turning into quick uneven breaths. But before he collapsed, he uttered, "C-cyan-nii...". 

And then, all hell broke loose. 

Shadow shot forward as soon as Joker hit the floor, "H-hey n-now, t-this i-isn't f-f-funny, Joker.", said Shadow with a shaky voice as he kneeled to hold him close (bridal style) and much to everyone's surprise, he looked like he belonged there but that was just a thought in the back of their head, after all, one was bleeding out in front of them.

Shadow waited for a response but instead of hearing the sound of Joker laughing and saying he caught him ("Hahaha! Okay, okay, you got me nii-san!"), but all he met with silence.

"O-Otouto...?", asked Shadow, hoping this was a Joke. "Jack?", asked Shadow with more force. "Jack! Answer me!", shouted Shadow, slowly becoming hysteric. "Jack! Answer me!", shouted a borderline hysteric Shadow.

That's when people started to snap out of it. "Call an ambulance now!", shouted someone. "Get Shadow away from Joker!", shouted another.

People started to approach the blood-covered duo with cautious faces. "Kaitou Shadow Joker, we need you to please move away from Kaitou Joker.", they tried to coax Shadow to step away from Joker but what he shouted next with a snarl made them freeze, "Nobody touches my otouto! SO GET. AWAY! BLOODY RAIN!"))


Whooo!~ I'm done!!

As you can tell, the idea isn't finished but feel free to expand it!

That's all! Enjoy your life!


Welcome to the Shining Night!

May the Stars Guide you through this Magnificent Sight!

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