Sob (One-shot)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Hi guys!!

Today I have brought you a one-shot but there is a twist! I decided to change up my writing style in this chapter because why not? This was certainly fun to make!

This takes place in a 'Zombie Apocalypse AU' which I will explain in the next update!!

Anyway, enjoy!


Jack ran through the empty halls of his home, cold sweat running down his face as the sounds of pounding on his front door faded. He quickly went to his parent's room, panting as he frantically searching for a key inside. He had to do this fast, or else the scary people would catch him.

After searching for what felt like an eternity, he let out a sigh of relief when he finally found the key hiding within a framed picture of Jack and his parents. He looked at the intricate signs on the key and stared at the picture of him and his parents, just days before the calamity.

He was snapped out of his memory by the sound of someone pounding on the window. He froze in fear, dropping the key and the picture, as he saw a silhouette of a hand pounding on the glass from behind the curtains.

When another pound came, Jack immediately started moving once more, grabbing the picture and key that he dropped with trembling hands. He scurried over to the big metal safe in the corner of the room, flinching whenever he heard the pounding on the window and used the key.

Fumbling to unlock the safe, Jack cursed under his breath when he dropped the keys. Quickly grabbing them again, he forced his trembling hands to do his bidding and unlock the safe.

Inside were three different backpacks, each varying in size. He quickly grabbed the smallest backpack in the safe, practically tore it open, and looked for something inside.

Looking inside the backpack, there were several items inside. A first aid kit, a pair of gloves, two lighters, a flashlight, a multi-purpose tool, a water bottle filled with water, several canned goods, a combat knife, ammunition, and two guns.

The first and bigger gun was the Glock 17. The second, smaller gun is the SIG Sauer P320-M18. Once Jack spotted the two guns, he grabbed the smaller gun and raced out of the room, only his frantic breathes, footsteps making a sound as he made his way to the top of the house.

Once he got to the top, he opened the window and climbed onto the roof, seeing the previous figures who were banging on the window earlier still there. They looked malnutritioned and pale as if something was sucking the nutrients off of their body.

Jack knew he had to kill the man to escape from here. He saw what happened to other people on TV so he knew he had to get past the man somehow, and killing him seemed like the only choice.

The first thing Jack did was put on his gloves and check if the gun was loaded (It was), carefully keeping the barrel of the gun pointed down ranged and keeping his finger off the trigger for now.

He remembered the handgun lessons his parents taught him, hearing them echo in his ears as he prepared himself mentally on what he was about to do.

"Remember, son, whenever you hold the gun, keep it in a firm grip!", his father said to him. "Carefully cock the gun then, if you're about to shoot, hold the gun with two hands to steady it."

"Now, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the foot opposite of your dominant hand about to step past the other foot.", his father explained carefully, doing the proper position to use a handgun. "Lean forward slightly with your knees bent, making sure you're firmly balanced. The elbow of your dominant arm should be almost straight and your non-dominant elbow should be flexed at a slightly obtuse angle. Your dominant arm must be in line with the handgun and pointed at the target."(1)

Jack did all of the right procedures, double-checking if his stance was correct. Now with his stance fixed, it was time to pull the trigger.

"Step 1: Control your breathing."

He remembered his father saying as he tried and successfully managed to calm his breathing when he took a deep breath. Holding the gun with sweaty palms covered by gloves, he recalled the second step.

"Step 2: Pull the trigger and follow through."

With a shuddering breath and sweat rolling down his face, he aimed at the figure who was still banging on the window and fired, flinching at the sound of the gunshot.

His shot hit dead-on, killing the figure instantly and Jack immediately felt nausea. He just shot and killed something living, even if they weren't considered human.

Jack looked down at his glove-covered hands, realizing there was now blood on his hands, realizing that he committed murder, realizing there was no way back.

The area around Jack was silent until he heard someone sob, realizing after a few minutes that it was coming from himself. Curling up on himself on the roof, he sobbed for the loss of his innocence, sobbed for his parents who were no longer alive, sobbed for his future, and sobbed for the life he had taken away.

(Distantly, a part of Jack wondered if there was any hope for someone who has killed at the tender age of 12)


(1) Source:

Phew!! Finally done!!!

I did my research on this one!! The guns are real especially the 'M18' one because it was chosen as the official sidearm of the U.S. Marine Corps!!

Like I said earlier, I will be explaining the AU next update so please be patient! 

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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