Villain? (Two-shot)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Hi guys!!

Welcome to part one of a two-shot!! This one just explains the present while the next part will explain 'why?'. 

Be ready for just a little confusion at the end!! 

Anyway, enjoy!

Summary: Joker is the bad guy, working with Prof. Clover alongside Phoenix and Hachi, but are they truly the bad guys? 


This was it. This was all that Joker was waiting for.

He was finally able to enact his boss' plan. He couldn't help but feel giddy as he looked at the tied up forms of Silver Heart, Spade, Queen, Shadow, and Rose. Rose was particularly given bindings and cuffs that took away her powers, after all, he wasn't an idiot.

They just looked at Joker with a look of disbelief that he was the cause of them being tied up as if the malicious smile on his face wasn't there. The silence in the room was deafening as both parties stared at each other, neither willing to back down.

Queen, not able to take the silence, shouted aloud, not noticing her friends flinching at her sudden outburst. "Joker! What is the meaning of this?!?".

Joker put his attention on her and just smiled, but not an ordinary smile, no, he sent her a Cheshire cat smile with a hidden intent that everyone knew was there, but nobody knew just what it was.

After Queen's outburst, like a line of dominos, the others began to shout as well, each one of them demanding answers from Joker as he just smiled at them. They could see it in his eyes that he was amused by the situation, but they wondered why. Why would he be amused by them being tied up, shouting at him? Why did Joker do this in the first place?

"Why are we tied up?!"

"Where are we?!?"

"Why are you just standing there Joker?!! Help us!"

"Why did you do this!?"

"Why are you smiling?"

But all the shouting came to a screeching halt as the metal door behind Joker opened revealing Akai Tsubasa, also known as Phoenix, and Hachi. What shocked them was the way that both of them didn't even bat an eye at them tied up. They both looked at Joker with a smile and Hachi went up to Joker and said, "Everything is prepared, Joker-san!".

This caused the grin on Joker's face to somehow widen even more which unsettled the tied up group. He tore his eyes away from them and looked at Akai, grin softening a fraction as he looked on.

"Is everything really ready?", he asked still looking at Akai. "You know Hachi's tendency to over-exaggerate things when he gets excited...".

"Hey!", whined Hachi feigning hurt from the playful jab. "Joker-san how could you!".

In response, Joker and Akai burst out laughing, Hachi following not long after. They seemed to have forgotten about their audience. The said audience seemed to be looking at the scene in front of them with confusion and anger.

Shadow was the first one to start shouting again. "What the hell is going on?!?", he demanded from the still laughing trio in front of him and the others.

The trio did seem to truly forget about their audience as the moment the words came out of Shadow's mouth, the trio tensed up and their smiles looked strained, Joker completely masking his emotions with a Cheshire cat smile donning his face once again.

He turned to Akai, asking yet again, "In all seriousness, is it really done?".

"It's all done. The explosives can only triggered by this.", he said as he took a black, thin, rectangle which had a red button in the middle out of his pocket.

Joker walked up to him and took the remote from Akai's hand. "Thank you!~", he practically purred into Akai's ear.

He looked at the quiet group in front of him with various emotions flashing through his eyes, too fast for any of them to identify any. He shook his head and said with a maniacal sort of glee, "Boss has rigged all of your homes, whether in the sky or on the ground, they will crash and burn!"

The shock in the others' eyes made Joker feel even more pleased than he already felt. Joker opened his mouth yet again and said, "The only thing that will be salvageable will be the treasures in your homes!".

Before Joker could say another word, the metal door behind him, Akai, and Hachi opened revealing Prof. Clover. His presence was met with shouts of shock and anger from the group that was tied up but in contrast, the trio in the room looked at him with joy.

"Sir!", Joker, followed by Akai and Hachi, saluted to Prof. Clover. Joker approached him and said, "Everything is prepared, sir! The explosives are in place and all the treasure will remain safe!".

Prof. Clover just looked him in the eye and nodded, "Very good.". His eyes travelled the room and he looked at every single person who was tied up before saying, "At ease!".

The effects were immediate with tension melting out of Joker and co.'s shoulders. Prof. Clover said after a moment of silence, "We will be carrying out the plan tomorrow. Joker, it's your turn to stand watch."

Joker responded with a whine but one stare from his boss was all it took for him to mutter out a fine.

"But for now, it's Akai's turn.", and he was met with a whoop of joy from Joker and a groan from Akai. Going up to Silver Heart who only glared at him silently, he made sure to whisper so no one else would hear. 

"Your plan of thievery has finally failed. I wonder what your students' reaction would be if they knew that their mentor played them like chess pieces?", smirked Prof. Clover. He walked back to the door and called Joker and Hachi.

"See you later, Akai!", yelled Joker as he exited. Hachi just rolled his eyes as he saw Joker yell. Out of view from everyone, Prof. Clover's smirk became a small, fond smile.

When they left the room, Akai was by the door, staring at them, masking his emotions with a well-practiced poker face. The others, however, were not deterred by this and started demanding answers, yet, all Akai would do is look at them with his poker face, which somehow radiated smugness when they stopped trying to demand answers.

They were only left with their own thought. 'Why would they do this? Why would they side with Professor Clover?', alas, they were not able to find answers to their questions but there was one who had been silent the entire time, only glaring, but everyone missed it, wrapped in their own thoughts.

That person was Silver Heart, who was wholeheartedly glaring at Akai and the door. The only thought on his mind was,

'How did they find out?'


Whooooo!! Done!!

Well this was an adventure to write! I was debating if Akai and Hachi should also be tied up but my love for Jokai and Hachi in general won out!

Sorry for the cliffhanger btw!! I'll post the continuation of this soon but for now, I brainstorm lol. 

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this!


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