Zombie Apocalypse (Idea)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Hi guys!!

I have brought you the info for the AU from the last one-shot, and bear with me, but this is slightly long, haha!

I did my research on this one too!! Well, the parasite part at least! Y'know, I wrote most of this as a went with the story somehow. I wrote this in... two?? Or three days?? I lost count, haha!

Anyway, enjoy!



In 20XX, there was a laboratory that was opened by Seth Jackal. They quickly made it through the ranks, discovering various different bacteria from all across the world, creating new antibiotics, etc. Just what people didn't know was the experiments required to make them.

They had to experiment on something to make sure their creations worked. At first, they started with the simple lab rats but they quickly proved to be insufficient subjects due to the lack of human-like qualities, plus they always died within a week of experimentation from the drugs.

They started experimenting on bigger animals but each eventually grew too weak to handle the advanced dugs. As the failure rate of the experiments went up and up, so did the frustration and rage of Seth.

As he got more and more desperate due to the demands of the government and the stress from his failures, the more he was willing to sacrifice to appease the higher ups.

After experimenting on dozen upon dozens of different animals, whether young or adult, the line between what is right or wrong started to blur together for him. He became amoral and uncaring about the fact he was taking the lives of animals but one day, after another failure, he had an idea.

What if they experimented on humans?

And thus, began the experimentations on humans. The other scientists at the laboratory were paid a large sum of money to keep their mouths shut and there was none the wiser.

Creation of the Parasite

After the discovery of a single-celled parasite called 'Toxoplasma gondii' by a branch of the lab, which had an interesting effect on male rats (The parasite settles in the rat's amygdala, the part of the brain that processes fear and emotion, and, instead of fearing the smell of a cat's urine, they think of the cat as a potential mate, leading the rat to their deaths), the scientists of that branch decided to look into the parasite more.

They wanted to weaponize the parasite. To use it against their enemies and once they got the approval of Seth, Isfet Shedu, the leader of the branch that first discovered it, they started to observe and modify the parasite, testing it on humans.


A person gets infected when they make direct contact with the parasite, for example, a bite, which is what the infected do to spread the parasite.

Once a person is infected, their minds become warped with the parasite controlling their action. That is why shooting the brain will kill the infected. The parasite will also increase the strength of the infected over time. (Ex. The first day of infection = Normal Strength, Two months of infection = Can shatter glass by punching). The parasite also absorbs a majority of the nutrients found in the body, making the infected look pale and malnourished.

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