Jack and Joker (one-shot)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. 


"Hi. My name is Jack and, I'm not normal."

"Okay, okay, I admit, that was cringeworthy!", said a silver-haired boy too, what seems to be, his look-alike but with a red suit, cape, mask, and various other things. The floating boy laughed, "Cringeworthy? That was cringefest worthy!!".

They both seemed to be in the former's room. Upon more observation shows that said boy lives in an apartment alone. Well, not really.

After his laughing fit, the floating boy calmed down, "What were you trying to do anyway, Jack?". The boy, now named Jack, hesitated before a blush covered his cheeks. He muttered, "None of your business, Joker!".

Joker just laughed as he hung around Jack. After a while, he frowned then pouted. "Jack!", he called out, "I'm bored!", he whined.

"And I don't care.", Jack said with a deadpan tone. Suddenly, a tune was heard throughout the room.

A, I, U, E, oh matsuri Baka sawagi~

Ka, ki, Ku, ke, komikaru tekunikaru!-

The tune stopped as soon as Jack got a hold of his phone, recognized the ID of the caller, and accepted the call. "What do you want?", was the remark that first came out of his mouth.

"Wow, such a warm welcome. I feel so blessed.", came the sarcastic reply of the caller. "Yeah, yeah, what do you want, King?", I asked. "Queen said we should go to the arcade together. Just like old times, eh?". 

"No.", was the deadpan response. "No? Listen here, I didn't want to do this either but Queen told me.", he said though he stressed the last part. "This is Queen we're talking about. She does not take 'no' for an answer!".

"Ughhhh...", groaned Jack. "Fine.", he sighed in defeat. "When, where and what time?", asked Jack impatiently. "Tomorrow, the arcade at the --------- mall, 15:00 (3 pm)."

"Okay, I'll see you and Queen there.", said Jack. After he put down the phone, he noticed it was quiet. Too quiet.

"Hey Joker, you've been quiet. Why's that?", he asked the spacing out floating boy. He must've been in deep thought because when Jack called him out, he looked surprised.

"Huh? W-What?", asked Jack. "Dude, what's wrong?". asked Jack. Joker contemplated a bit before giving Jack a teasing smile, "Aww! You do care!! How sweet!".

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