The Wind (One-shot)

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Minna-san, Konnichiwa!

Sorry I haven't been posting one-shots lately. I'm sure you saw my announcement but, it's just that I don't really have any idea what I should do next (*•⎯⎯•*).

Yep, that's right, I haven't been posting one-shots because of stupid writer's block. (T^T) Gomenasai Minna-san!

I actually got the idea from Tumblr! From

I've kept ya long enough, enjoy the (crappy) chapter!

DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.


3rd P.O.V.



Life absolutely sucks.


Why did that artifact take so much time to research? And stupid overimaginative imagination for those nightmares.


Life sucks, at least I have my- *Slap*

"Itai!", yelled Joker as he held his cheek which had started to form a small hand-like mark. "Hachi! What was that for?!", whined Joker as he nursed his cheek.

"Joker-san you were staring into space for the fifth time tonight!", exclaimed Hachi. It was only then that Hachi noticed the dark circles under Joker's eyes. "Joker-san, have you been sleeping alright?".

"Hmm?", hummed Joker in response. "Oh, don't worry about-", but before Joker could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a yawn. "-it.".

Hachi just sent Joker a suspicious glare. "Really Hachi, I'm fine!", said Joker as he raised his hands up in the universal sign of surrender.

Hachi glared at him for a few more seconds before dropping it with a huff. "Anyway, dinner is ready. I made my special curry tonight."

"WE ARE?!?", and with that, Joker ran straight to the dining area, leaving Hachi there on the balcony of the Sky Joker. ((A/N: Did I forget to mention the location? Whoops!!)

"Hopefully Joker-san will rest tonight, after all, he hasn't slept in a couple of days...", trailed of Hachi before he sighed. "Well, I better get in there before Joker-san finishes all of the curry."

The Next Night...

"It's finally over!!", yelled Joker in relief as he entered the Sky Joker. 

"Joker-san! You were so cool!", proclaimed Hachi. Joker just smirked in reply before saying, "I'm gonna go shower, I'm exhausted! I'll go take my deserved relaxing warm shower".

"Okay, Joker-san! I'll be waiting near the TV."

And with that, Joker went to his room before heading towards the shower. When Joker was out of hearing range, Hachi sighed before walking towards the TV, planning to watch tonight's heist while waiting.

"Joker-san has been overworking himself lately...", muttered Hachi as he sat on the couch. "I hope he's alright, I just hope he'll remember to remove his-", but before Hachi could finish, in came Spade and Queen.

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