I love you... (one-shot)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Hi guys!!

Wow, I am on an updating spree!! This one's a tiny bit sad but I hope you enjoy it!

Summary: The world is ending. The only ones left are Joker and Phoenix. They watch their final sunrise together.


It was a few minutes 'till sunrise and all was calm. There was not a single sound throughout the whole city. There were two figures on top of a rooftop. They were leaning against each other for support. Upon closer inspection, the two seemed to be Kaitou Joker and Phoenix.

"This is it, huh?", asked Joker as he struggled to breathe. Phoenix was right next to him in the same situation.

"I guess so.".

It was the end of the world. Nobody knew what hit them when the first person died in America. Humans were too slow to identify the cause, and as result, billions of lives were lost.

The cause, for lack of a better term, attacked anyone and everyone. As long as they were breathing, it affected them too. It struck you at a random time, random place. 

The first thing it did was make it harder for you to breathe. Eventually, you'll start to feel sleepy, and when you do sleep, it kills you.

"Y'know, I still can't believe that it also affects you.", chuckled Joker, as he thought it only affected humans.

"Shut up...", muttered Phoenix as he tried to smack Joker in the face, succeeding. After a bit of silence, the younger of the two broke the silence.

"I can't believe we're the last ones...", said Joker in a joking tone. "I don't think we should be this calm. It is the end of the world...".

"Eh.", replied Phoenix. "We're different from the norm, so it's fine.".

After a moment, Joker started to yawn, and a few seconds later, Phoenix too. The two looked at each other and both saw the resigned look in each other's eyes.

"The sunrise is really pretty, y'know.", said Joker, feeling an overwhelming calm wash over him as he got closer to his death. "It really is...", replied Phoenix


"Hey, Phoenix, would you say you're okay with spending your final moments with me?", asked Joker, breaking the ice.

Phoenix smiled before raising three fingers, "One, yes. Two, No. Three, I wouldn't want to spend it any other way.".

Joker smiled back at Phoenix before both of their eyes began to droop downwards. Just before Joker passed out he said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

And as the two breathe their final breaths, the last of humanity was gone, along with the future of two lovers.


And finished!

Sorry for the sadness, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you guys, so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!


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