Even More Ideas! Again!

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Hi guys!!

Here are some more ideas I had that I totally didn't develop as I wrote this! Totally not!

Anyway, I wanted to say, some of these ideas were inspired by a song! (Which I will put at the end of some ideas and why!)



Military AU

In which Joker's parents were military soldiers. He was young when his parents had to go back to the military and they, unfortunately, perished when both of them shielded their comrades from a grenade. 

He was sent to Silver Heart, who is the leader of the spy/stealth squad, as stated in his parents' will. He vowed to honor his parents' deaths and trained to get in the military from there. 

Eventually, he got in and got put on the spy/stealth team. He makes a name for himself quickly, only failing his missions due to two other spies (Spade and Queen) or his comrades over mission ideology. A few years later, and a new private gets assigned in the spy/stealth squad. His name is Hachi and Joker is assigned to show him the ropes.

Shadow could be an enemy spy that worked with Prof. Clover because he thought Prof. Clover could help to bring his sister back from a comatose state where in reality, Prof. Clover was holding Rose hostage.

When he learns this, he, along with Joker save Rose and now he and Rose are their allies.

Phoenix, however, is a foreigner soldier that got assigned in Joker's area while Prof. Clover is the enemy.

Escape the Asylum AU

It's the middle of the night. The KJ cast is kidnapped and find themselves stuck in an abandoned asylum, but this is no regular asylum. 

When they awaken, they find a newspaper all about the asylum, about how it was shut down because for an unknown reason, people who stay inside the asylum for a certain period in time either are never heard from again or go insane.

There are rumors about how the asylum is haunted by the ghost of those who have died there or that the building is cursed but these are only mere rumors of the cause.

The grounds of the asylum is littered with traps and corpses. Eventually, sacrifices will be made and lives will be lost.

Do you think they'll make it out alive?

(Inspired by: Panic Room - Au/Ra, cause I thought, 'What if the KJ cast were escaping from something which was nicknamed the Panic Rooms because they made you panic! Hey! That sounds like an asylum!')

Orphan AU

Jack, King, and Queen are all orphans. They're the best of friends to the point where they consider each other their siblings. Spade as the oldest (Bday: March 13), Queen as the middle (August 12), and Joker as the youngest (December 11).

They fight a lot and pull pranks but really, they're really close to each other and know when something's wrong with one another. Joker, Spade, and Queen's background follow canon, the only difference is that child services got to each of them first.

The boss of the orphanage is none other than Silver Heart. He doesn't like to admit it, but he favors the three children more than the rest.

As the years go by, they're the oldest of the kids in the orphanage and when they could leave, they decide to stay and help, eventually becoming workers there at the orphanage.

Hachi is a volunteer there at the orphanage and Silver Heart is still the boss. The trio meets Cyan (Shadow) and Rose while they're out on supplies. They become friends and go visit the trio from time to time at the orphanage.

In my version of this au, Prof. Clover is a good guy! (Yay!) He is a teacher at a nearby school but comes to the orphanage to teach the kids there for free! (But there's a payment for private tutoring)

In my head, the story follows the above at the beginning but eventually, it tells about all the shenanigans all three went through.

(Inspired by: Heroes (we could be) - Alesso, cause the original idea was a song-fic where the trio would sing the song one day as they fantasize about being heroes and when theirs will come...)

Food AU

A long time ago, the humans from that time period were blessed/cursed because of some unknown reason. Fast forward to the present and now everyone in the world has two forms! 

They have their human form which they prefer to use out in public. Their second form is their food form! 

Everyone in the world has a certain food that represents them. They kaitous of this world are always in their food form when performing a heist. The police can't track them cause whenever they search into the citizen database, for some reason, they don't appear.

Whenever they eat the food that they represent, they experience certain effects that differ from person to person. They may have a sugar rush, or more speed, or enhance vision, anything you can come up with

I'll say Queen is strawberry cake while Rose and Shadow would be apple pie (Maybe Rose would be Sweet apple pie while Shadow would be Sour cream apple pie). Phoenix would be pepper/chili I guess and Silver Heart is Cream Stew. Spade would be a Baguette I guess since his favorite food is French food and Hachi would be Salty Daifuku since he hides them in his room away from Joker (But he gets to them and eats them anyway...)

Joker would obviously curry!

And that's all I could think of for this AU!

Normal-ish AU

Note: This is a past AU, meaning this happened before the timeline of the anime which means no Hachi and Phoenix yet.

Basically, Joker never did become a Kaitou but he still went under Silver Heart. He has all the training required and stuff but he decided he wanted to do something else with his life first then become a Kaitou.

His friends, mainly Spade and Queen, try to convince him to become a Kaitou earlier than scheduled.

He does become a Kaitou eventually but it's up to you if he became one earlier than scheduled or not.

(Inspired by: The Other Side - Zac Efron, Hugh Jackman, cause the first thing I came up with is that Joker's friends were trying to convince him to become a Kaitou, to go to the 'other side', you could say)


That's all!

Some of those ideas only came to me this and last week so I hope you think they're okay!

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the ideas I had!


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