Why would he? (One-Shot)

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DISCLAIMER: Everything here does not belong to me, only the plot does. All characters here belong to the amazing Hideyasu Takahashi. All the pictures belong to their respective artists but I mostly get the pictures from Google Images.

Hi guys!!

Sorry for the lack of update. I wanted to post a one-shot but I couldn't think of anything. Luckily, my muse came back from vacation and let me write this idea in 20 minutes. 

I hope you enjoy!!


He knew this wasn't healthy, but he couldn't break his old habits.

No, it wasn't anything bad in the society's eyes but just bad for him, especially on his mental health.

I mean, if you were immortal and always outlived your closest friends that didn't know you were immortal, that would affect your sanity too, right?

"What a wonderful start to the day..."

He was looking out at the sunrise. He told himself when he was younger, before he knew of this curse, that he wouldn't get tired of the little things in life. Every little thing, from the sunrise in the morning to the chatter of the children at school, but this...

...this was exhausting.

Having to get close to people but knowing one day they'll leave you was heartbreaking, and yet he kept on doing this to himself.

He hadn't had close bonds like this since that time with Pho-

"No... don't mention him now or you're gonna break down. He doesn't remember you, he isn't the same...", he muttered under his breath, swiftly turning away from the sunrise he would watch with him-

"No, no, no, no-", he yelled as he ran towards his room, tears in his eyes.

He closed the door to his bedroom and slid down, the wall behind him. He curled up in a ball, unable to stop the warm tears rolling from his eyes.

He breathed in and out. "Come on. Pull yourself together. You've gone through this over a hundred times already. What makes him different?"

But he already knew the answer to that. He knew that his bond with Pho-

...that man was more than friendship. His bond with him was special, but he just disappeared one day, never to be seen again but one day appears again and doesn't even remember him.

How he wished to see him again, the version of him he knew, just one last time to say goodbye.


"Hey, I'm off for today." He said towards him as he was walking out. "Try not to get in trouble."

He just pouted, looking towards him and said, "C'mon! Do you really have no faith in me, Ph03ń1X?"

The man just deadpanned and said, "Yes, I have absolutely no faith in you."

He just pouted even more, before huffing and saying, "Then be careful, alright? See you later!"

The man just chuckled and said, "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you later, J4(K."


"You said you would see me later.", he whispered as more tears came down. "You saw me again but you didn't even recognize me."

"You practically promised me. So why don't you remember?"

He inhaled deeply before wiping the tears off his face, gathering his composure as he walked out of his room, making sure it didn't seem like he cried.

After all...

...why would Joker cry about yawning jerk?


And finished!

That was a lot shorter than I wanted it to be but it was all I could think of!

I'll fix the line later but for now, enjoy!!

Edit: I fixed the chapter!!

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