Chapter 1

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Justin's POV

I looked at the window until I felt tired of it, I couldn't help thinking of my life... one would think that family was all an individual could need in the World.

It was still a little foggy outside and I could see the sun already in the mist of blooming, I took that as a sign of not having enough time to actually clean or do anything so I got out of bed with a long yawn and a frown. I didn't really feel like cleaning, if anything I wanted to sleep in but I knew that the risk was too dangerous.

I walked to the bathroom since we only had one, I took a quick shower and fixed myself and just like Cinderella in a movie, I began fixing my family breakfast then cleaned the house, I was almost done with placing the plates and food on the dining table but that's when I heared him.

"Good morning faggot! I wonder if you're wearing real boxers or panties." He snarled making me blush with embarrassment.

My brother Cash was something else, he had dirty blond hair and the perfect set of green eyes that accompanied his toned skin and perfect jawline that could cut a fruit. We used to be close and connected to each other until that day.....

I was always gay but I never necessarily told anyone because I knew how wrong it was so I hid it under the smile I wore, it's just that I had mistakenly blurted out my gayness to my brother when he forced me to get a girl, I didn't dare date girls so I guess that bothered him.

It didn't take long for everyone in school to know, and once they did... Life was so hard. My mother who is the beautiful brunette, pale skin like mine and brown shining eyes immediately cursed my birth on earth....those eyes that used to look at me with joy and adoration turned into something I would rather hide from. My dad was shocked, he had run his hands through his sandy blond hair countless times, and since he looked a lot more like cash I would always know that he certainly loved him more than me.

I just stood there with tears and opened my arms to my parents who turned around and left, a couple of weeks passed by and none of them talked to me and I felt like a ghost living among people. Cash made me so famous that I always get bullied in school.... it hurt.

I didn't know whether living or dying was worse but it certainly wasn't enjoyable. Waking up to a bullied world and a very haunting nightmare sight wasn't something I would say was cool. After that week my parents officially decided to actually talk to me but it wasn't in the sweet way, their voices sounded dead and since then I constantly have to face my own family and my own school...

I kept quiet, because I didn't want to anger Cash, he was always so short tempered instead I kept on placing the breakfast on the table with my humiliation.

"Don't ignore me!!" He barked so loudly. I jumped a little.

"S-sorry." I squealed like a girl already feeling fear and my heart beating loudly and I heared him chuckle which made me frown. I waited for a few minutes until I heared footsteps which indicated that mom or dad came in.

I briefly wondered if they deserved such titles, a title of being mom and dad because they haven't played that role in three years.

"Son," I heared that soft yet firm voice and I knew it was mom. I signed very quietly so that they wouldn't hear me. I managed to sneak back to my room so that I couldn't get any more dissaproval looks that could crush me further because I was already hurt beyond damage. I decided to sneak out through the window too, luckily it didn't have heavy steal so I managed to get through then I made my way to said school.

My stomach protested when I was halfway but I countinusly walked like nothing is wrong at all. The school came in view and I immediately wanted to go to my room and sleep until Jesus comes back.... I would probably go to hell right?

I felt like crying but I didn't dare do it instead I walked into the school like some brave hero, I ignored every look I received and made it to my locker so I could exchange a few books, today was definitely going to be hard. I specifically had a group of cheerleaders to avoid, Caro Emerald was the girl leader who supported them when they attacked me... they even said I was going to steal their men which made no sense.

George Zimmer was also the jock guy I had to specifically ignore since he also made more people try to kill me. Even a few people who were weak bullied me to no end, basically everyone did. I knew Art class would be hard, English literature was going to be worse... but it's my senior year anyway so I wasn't going to have a long time struggling.

Three years of pain can definitely make someone mature enough to the point where they can accept their own defeat and know when it's over unfortunately for me it was over and done with, I lost.

That hope of people noticing they were wrong and they would apologize had already dimmed into nothing but false hope and a fairy tale.

The guys in the School always said I loved them but I hardly noticed any, just because I am attracted to men doesn't mean I would want to date and check out all of them. It was my last year so I'II just have to suffer a few months.

I was just in the mood to just talk to someone but nobody was available I wasn't going to check out people like everyone assumed. I didn't even bother standing up for myself nor did I try to because that would end up to me being more humiliated.

It's going to be a long day.... I thought as I walked to my first lesson while making sure that I watch out of for bullies.

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