Chapter 7

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Justin's POV

Everyone in school was looking at me while whispering when I entered the school, literally everyone and I felt like crying. My nose was already bruised because cash beat me up this morning including how he added extra kicks in the gut for avoiding him, or something like that.

I ignored the looks as best way possible, I needed to talk to Mr Jones anyway, I needed to apologize for the fake rumours that went all over the place. I speed walked while ignoring gossip.

"Woow there he is.''

"I can't believe he seduced a teacher."

"How could he?"

"What's worse is that is all for grades."

"Man stealer."


I couldn't take anymore words, I ended up running. My day was already ruined and it's only in the morning and I faced all this. I made sure no one was in sight when I entered Mr Jones's class and what's worse is that he had a box on his desk and was packing his books...the worst thoughts came in mind and before I could stop it, a small sob escaped my lips which caught mr Jones's attention.

"My god Justin?" He said with huge eyes before giving me a tissue "Don't let it affect you....."

"B-b-but y-y-your l-l-leaving." I managed through my tears. Mr Jones smiled widely before shaking his head.

"Look,'' he said before leaving his box to come run a hand through my hair comfortably "rumours are always around and yes am suspended for maybe say a week but I'II be fine, this class will always be closed so feel free to come here and realise your stress. The principal unfortunately believed said rumours and so far the authorities will be investigating this case but am not worried because they won't find anything. Hang in there, you can make get out before people think something IS really going on."

I hiccuped uncontrollably with tears on my cheek and I quickly wiped them then ran out and luckily there was no one, I didn't think I would survive school today so when the bell rang. I decided to go somewhere just so I could clear my mind.

It hurts that fake rumours are all over the place about me. I was at the parking lot trying to control my breathing including trying to stop my painful heartbeat, and my body ached from Cash's beating. I heared a car honk and almost jumped out of my feet, I turned sharply to see a red Mercedes Benz that I was currently near. I saw the boy who raised a finger and called me in and I entered the shotgun seat with a sniff.

"Dude, you finally heard the rumours huh?'' the boy said slowly before smiling, today he wore a hoddie that wasn't baggy so his broad shoulders were kinda visible, and they were huge and I could tell he had muscles. He looked chilled but his hair was a beautiful mess including his glasses.

"I just..." I sniffed one more time "I didn't know you had a beautiful car."

"Eh yeah actually today is supposed to be chill day but I figured I would come here for a bit." He said "I shouldn't do this but let's go somewhere and do something. I wanted to catch a particular cheerleader but she isn't here and school is already in... let's go."

I opened my mouth to answer but the car was already roaring to life and the boy drove out with such speed that I had to buckle up with serious problems because I kept jerking.

"Slow down." I said softly but the boy only laughed deeply and passed through a red robot which made other cars to honk in protest.

"Slow down!!" I said firmly and was shocked at myself, although my voice was raspy and ached, the boy suprised me by decreasing speed and he looked at me with huge eyes, he didn't say anything but at least he drove perfectly fine without this speed problem thing. I had a few minutes to be in my thoughts so I had to actually find a way I was going to make it, somehow I knew I had to. I would ignore them no matter how hard it was definitely going to get, the boy parked at an arcade and I resisted a grimance because I suck at games. The only time I have ever played them was when I was young but it got taken away from me.

"Don't ever tell me what to do." The boy said sharply and so coldly that I flinched in my seat.

"Y-You wer-e going to get a ticket if you didn't stop." I said softly "I don't want you to end up paying some bills or being in jail."

"Whatever." The boy said with a huff before crossing his hands on his chest, he looked so boy ish like this and I smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked with a frown, because I've been calling him, 'the boy's ever since I met him.

"My name is Kev--" he stopped midsentence for some reason and kept quiet, I blinked at that before looking at him with huge eyes and he suprised me by smiling "My name is Ronaldo, don't tell people."

"Don't they know your name already?" I asked in confusion, maybe Kev something was his middle name and he didn't want people to know.

"Just keep it to yourself." He mumbled sounding irritated "Ready to lose to me?"

"Yes I am." I confessed because I knew I was really bad at games, terribly bad at them.

"Ok let's make a deal..." He said with an evil smirk "if I win you get to do my homework and if you win, I get to take you on a date."

I chuckled so hard that I actually felt tears at the corner of my eyes, but regardless I know I was going to lose so I didn't see any harm in trying and after we entered the arcade and played, Ronaldo looked actually.... cute because he had a habit of sticking his tougne out while he played and he would mumble encouraging words to himself, I suprisingly won each game and that had me wondering if he was doing it on purpose but it left me blushing because I remembered the conditions of the bet. At least this time he wasn't as bitter as we met, we even laughed so hard that we had to hold our stomachs.

"So I owe you a date..." Ronaldo said with a smirk and a wink after we had left the arcade. I just blinked slowly in disbelief, he was serious?

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