Chapter 17

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Justin's POV

"So are you ready?" Ronaldo asked with amusement as I tried to breath in and out. I didn't even prepare myself, I don't even know a single Spanish word and Ronaldo didn't even give me a heads up so of course I wasn't freaking out.

I was about to collapse!!

"Goodness. It's ok stop freaking out." Ronaldo tried to reassure me.

"No it's not ok." I hissed dangerously watching his eyes widen slightly "You should have warned me not surprised me randomly."

Ronaldo laughed nervously "I can explain... Justin my grandmother threatened me with a fucking pan  that she carelessly threw at my ribs."

"Ok. You know what let's just go." I said with a pout before I left his car, he did the same before coming to stand in front of me.

"It's fine." He said with a grin. We were now standing at lybrink street, right near his house. After we had left school Ronaldo has been trying to calm me down to no success.

I just nodded with a nervous smile as he leaded me to his house. A house that was beautiful, kinda looked like a palace because it had so many guards inside including two on the outside. It was pearly and white.

When we arrived at the gate Ronaldo told one of the guards who were heavily armed and full of muscles to pack his car inside before leaving with me.

"Why is it so heavily armed?" I asked curiously while I looked at the guards that looked back at me while some of them simply looked the other way.

"Remember I told you my father works on some fancy company, that's going to bring enemies somehow." He answered.

I kept quiet taking in the beautiful clean pavement and the trees. When we arrived at the door, Ronaldo didn't even have to knock before the door just flew open and I was hugged so tightly I couldn't breath normally.

"Abuela por favor no lo mates." I heard Ronaldo say and I almost fainted. It was much more better when he speaks Spanish.
(Grandma please don't kill him)

Then I was pulled away from the grandmother by Ronaldo, I was a little dizzy and my eye sight was fuzzy then when I saw clearer I saw his grandmother.

She was wearing a floral dress with pulms, her white hair in a ponytail, face filled with freckles and her grin was wide. She wasn't wearing make up though and she scanned me from my feet straight to my head before nodding with acceptance.

"Oh silencio, por qué matarìa a una chica tan linda?" The grandmother said.
(Oh hush, why would I kill such a cutie?)

I saw Ronaldo shake his head. I wonder what they were saying since to me that was all a foreign language so I just looked in between them that's until the grandma spoke again.

"Ah mi armor, veo que finalmente trajiste a tu anfitrión a casa." The woman said, her voice was so soft. (Ah my darling, I see you finally brought home your host)

"Jeez that's shocking grandma." Ronaldo mumbled "sigo preguntàndome que literalmente asesinaste mis costillas ayer."
(I keep asking myself that since you literally murdered my ribs yesterday.)

My gosh, why didn't I ask Ronaldo to speak Spanish a long time ago?

"No deberìas haber escapado. Ahero tu padre no debe saber." The woman said, her tone that started playfully became a warning at the latter sentence.
(You shouldn't have sneaked out. Now your father must not know.)

"Lo sè." Ronaldo said with a sigh before he looked at me with a grin then he smiled so I took that as a clue to greet.
(I know)

"H-hi." I said nervously "Am Justin."

"No need to be shy.'' her voice teasing "I wanted to see the boy that had Ronaldo run out at night. I think I heard him moan that name this morning in the shower."

"Grandma." Ronaldo whined as a blush stained his cheeks including mine "There's no need to add unwanted information."

"Hehe please come in." She said as she walked into the house not waiting for us.

"You were moaning my name?" I questioned with a raised brow regardless that my cheeks were on fire.

"I..." Ronaldo trailed "it's nature...aehh....can we leave this topic?"

I chuckled.

"You should have spoken Spanish to me a long time ago." I whined as Ronaldo chuckled as he rested his hand on my shoulders.

"Bondad." He said making me blink slowly in confusion.

''Don't worry I'II translate later." He said "Ready to meet the Covulli family?"

"Yep." I answered as we entered the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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