Chapter 10

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Ciara--Thinking bout you (explains Justin's feelings)

Justin's POV

Throughout the whole day, I couldn't stop thinking of Ronaldo's words... I mean he's so strange and mean sometimes but there was this sacrastic side, also that part in him that just wanted acceptance just like me.

I couldn't quite be sure how this date thing was going to be like since he wasn't specific on it. He only said he'll come get me today but the whole day had already passed by even though I had been excited, i even shyly looked for him at school but he wasn't anywhere which means nothing came out of it but curiousity and he never took me out so I assumed it was tomorrow.

It was probably at ten pm, I had already finished my homework... Survived grumpy parents and I managed to survive a whole day without bullies. I was still suspicious about everyone....because no one bothered commenting about how I was the faggot. Not even one student looked at me which made me sigh in relief.

I actually took advantage of it and enjoyed the fact that I was invisible. I took out my best looking baby blue ripped jeans then I shook my head before tossing them carelessly on the floor, I didn't want to be too much so I reached out for some plain looking black Jeans but I almost jumped out of my skin when I heared a tap at the window.

I turned sharply to find nothing so I shrugged before looking over my choice of jeans. Maybe I was taking this date thing overboard but it was my first time and I wanted it to be memorable. I couldn't wait to sit down with someone and just talk, it has been a while.

I reached for a plain white shirt but the tap sound echoed in my ears so I frowned slowly before walking to the window slowly, and I saw a small branch hit the window. I slowly opened it before peeking outside.

There stood a shadow and I felt both fear and curiosity because it could be one of the jocks but I also wanted to know.

"Hey Justin." The voice said, it was deep and shockingly husky. I froze for minute before I blushed because I knew who the voice belonged to... Ronaldo.

"Ronaldo?!" I whisper yelled in hopes that he would hear me. Said boy moved a little closer but I couldn't see him. He pointed at the door and I nodded before shutting down the window.

I quickly gave myself peptalk and decided to dress in baby blue ripped jeans and a white hoddie along with white Converse shoes, I quickly sneaked into the bathroom successfully before brushing my teeth and I combed my hair. I breathed out slowly before looking at my reflection.

"It's just for one night... maybe he wants to talk." I whispered because this house was full of hungry wolfs that had sharp hearing. I blushed a bit because he actually came and I hoped it was indeed for the date. I quickly sneaked back in my room and opened the window without peeking out. I switched off the lights before using my room key to lock up before I carefully made my way to the door and took out the key under the mat, I unlocked the door carefully before closing and locking again then I carefully slipped the key underneath.

"Hey." I almost flew when I felt someone's breath on my neck, I quickly turned around to see Ronaldo looking at me with farrowed brows.

"Sorry you scared me." I mumbled before shyly looking down but I took this opportunity to look at Ronaldo who was surprisingly wearing sweatpants and a baggy black hoddie. Hair sexily in a mess and his stare was still intense.

" actually cute." He mumbled sounding like he couldn't believe it.

"What!?" I asked in suprise because I thought I heared that wrong.

"I said... I thought we might go to um a club tonight or a restaurant if you want." He said and I looked at him, shocked at the slight blush that made his cheeks even more attractive.

"Um..." I said carefully because this was Honestly weird, it felt weird. Ronaldo kept jumping on his feet and I couldn't look at him "I think I would appreciate a restaurant because.... because I would like to talk to you. A club is a bit lousy." I admitted.
when we arrived at the car i bit my lip before reaching out for the passenger door but Ronaldo quickly opened it for me and I smiled uncomfortably at him before I entered while he closed the door and went to the driver's seat.

This car smelled just like him. It smelled so good I had to take a long inhale.

Ronaldo started the car and it roared silently and he slowly drove out of my yard. I looked out at the window Loving the view. It was quite and misty, only the streetlights were on and there was no people just Ronaldo and I.

"Your favorite song?" He suddenly asked making me look at him but he was staring straight ahead.

"Fire on fire." I mumbled and quickly added before he could say or question my weird song also how I listened to a free gay man sing "You?"

"Ehh." He murmured "I like hard rap songs. It's kinda hard to actually choose but Eminem is just right." He trailed off.

"What about your favorite colour?" I asked loving the fact that he was so animated.

"Black... I know...I know, is not a colour but I still think it is." He said.

"Well I guess black is sorta of a especially the sky type." I said.

"It suits your skin." He blurted making me blush furiously and he suddenly looked like he wanted to pass out "I mean...ehh, I just really is ok."

I kept quiet while I suddenly felt my heart beat increase.

"Thank you." I mumbled and before I could stop myself I blurted "I like your hair."

I watched Ronaldo at the corner of my eyes, he was running his hand through his hair with a small smile.

Well this is officially weird.


A/N: Updates will be slow, I apologize for this since is my Senior year but I promise to update whenever I have time.

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