Chapter 12

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Justin's POV

After the date that was filled with awkwardness and animated talks. I already know Ronaldo's father works at some large company...the only reason I don't know the name is because he refused to tell me. I know he likes dogs and his favourite food is melted chocolate with strawberries. I know he doesn't like being in a crowd too much.

So now I was busy chuckling at the fact that Ronaldo had once fainted at seeing a spider, not that suprising since am scared of that thing too. It's super creepy, I don't even think an animal is supposed to have so many eyes.

"You can stop here." I said softly after managing to regain my soberness. Ronaldo stopped one block to my house and he didn't bother asking why which made me relax further, I already feel like he understands me and also didn't want his car to became an attention seeking and gossip starting mechanism.

Or rather I didn't want my family or someone to suddenly assume that I was dating an older man. Which wasn't true but I actually thought they would.

"Tonight was awesome." I breathed out after a moment of silence before looking at Ronaldo.

"Well, am glad. I guess." He said slowly "How'd you handle gossip?"

"I just pretend I don't hear anything, it definitely helps." I said before opening the passenger door but as fast as thunder, Ronaldo closed the door which made me blink twice.

"Don't go," He said quickly "yet." He added when I raised a brow.

"Ronaldo." I said with a frown of confusion "It's literally 1 am, I have school tomorrow and I would prefer to be well rested plus some bullying to survive."

"I know, I know." He muttered "Stay for like thirty minutes... let's talk yeah?"

I almost rolled my eyes at this "About what? I mean so far you know my favourite colour and song."

"Exactly, tonight I have been a narcissist. I didn't give you a chance to ever talk about yourself." He said and I smiled at his consideration "Tell me....Why you always blink twice as fast when you in fear?"

"Wait what?"

"When you're scared." Ronaldo said before turning in his seat to look at me "You blink twice... except very fast."

"I--eeer." I said with a helpless shrug "I guess it happens. I never thought someone would notice."

"Obviously." Ronaldo chuckled "what do you look for in a guy... I mean?"

I was speechless for a minute, I didn't think he would ever want to know about this considering the fact that he was straight and that he didn't look interested in me whatsoever.

"I want loyalty." I finally said "I want a guy..." I trailed before looking at my baby blue coloured jeans "Who will see me for me. Who will notice me from a distance and notice my little habits. A guy who will accept me, I just want somebody to die for."

Ronaldo was quite for some time so I looked at him through my eyelashes and I noticed his mouth in a frown, his eyes held an indescribable emotion.

"What are you looking for in your future woman?" I decided to ask since the way his eyes burned through my skin literally made me blush.

"Mmnh," Ronaldo said still looking at me "I want someone strong...who can accept my dark side ya know?"

"I suppose." I said "What did you ever mean when you said that you are not a good person. That confused me because I think you are a good person."

"Everything that you see isn't all there is." Ronaldo chuckled finally looking away from me and for some reason I was disappointed, I liked it when he looked at me with those green eyes that flickered with a touch of blue " Appearance is the most fooling tool. People are not who they appear to be but YOU....YOU are who you appear to be from the inside and outside. Everything about you is what it seems."

My heart swelled at the compliment and my cheeks burned just as Ronaldo flashed me a charming cocky smirk that made me blush harder.

''ooooh he's blushing." Ronaldo gasped making me huff and for some reason he laughed harder.

"Well," I said after he sobered "You are well... hiding." I finally concluded.

"Hiding?" He asked with amusement.

"Hiding." I said thinking of how he carefully answered every question today even though I could tell he wanted to say more.

"You're too kind," he said sacrastically "even to demons." then he slumped on his seat like he was defeated on something. I frowned before smiling softly and actually taking the risk by placing my hand on his cheek and he immediately became stiff and I expected the worst but he just kept looking at anything except me so I continued.

"Ronaldo, you're not a demon. You just need acceptance and I do accept you just they way you are because you're funny, sacrastic, clever and I bet the girl who'll love you will see just that and maybe more. Thanks for tonight, it was amazing." I said before hastily placing a kiss on his cheek and for the first time since I met Ronaldo he actually blushed. A deep red that complimented his sun kissed skin.

"He blushes." I said with amusement before getting out of the car and quickly getting into the house through my open window. I even thanked myself for actually leaving it open.

I put on my pyjamas then closed the window, I peeked through and saw Ronaldo's car still there, I could already imagine him watching me regardless of the distance.

If he did then he definitely saw me change.... Oh fuck.

I sighed at my stupidity before snuggling into my covers and running my index finger on my lip. His cheek was soft and firm, and his skin was hot under my touch. It was a miracle that he even let me touch him without beating me.

I blushed with a happy squeal before I closed my eyes and slept peacefully since.... well years.

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