Chapter 4

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Justin's POV

As usual and as expected, I had to wake up early and do breakfast including cleaning yesterday's dishes, this time I had to listen to my mom and dad's cruel words but it was something am used to, but that didn't mean it never hurt when they said it.

I huffed in boredom as I played with my pen, I was currently sitting in History class and it was super boring as hell. I love learning but history just makes me want to sleep until I can feel my body lay in nothing but an unmoving limp. I ignored the cruel words I got including the way a few rolled papers hit my hair, I tried removing them but they would increase so I just left that.

Mrs Van Merwe was the one teaching history, she was tall and lean, her original tognue was Afrikaans and she would slip up in her English sometimes, Mrs Van Merwe barely cared what happened during her lesson, if you didn't hear anything she taught, she wouldn't countinue... instead she would leave it. If you fail your test then you fail, she doesn't care and at the moment she was currently looking at her phone while using the school's WiFi.

The class was super loud and it sorta hurt my ears. Some students were talking about some things I didn't know and some were talking about me. I still couldn't believe that after all those years people still hang on, to what a male should be. I can't believe no one felt any sort of guilt or remorse but they just countinusly hurt me.... it made me wonder if I would ever forgive them for what they did to me.

"Faggot. I can't believe he hasn't changed."

"Girl, did you see George, he got this new hair cut. My husband looks hot."

"Have you seen my nails?"

"The game is in three weeks."

"I gotta hit the gym."

It all was too much, and too loud.

"Hou stil met julle idiote studente." Mrs Van Merwe suddenly screamed which surprised me because she would keep silent when the class was loud, she barely cared plus those words or whatever she said rolled off her tognue like velvet.(shut up you idiotic students)

"We don't speak Afrikaans!" Someone said loudly.

"I think it meant idiot." Someone answered.

"I know." Mrs Merwe said without any regret and her mouth was in a frown "Anyway you all understand the world war?"

"No!" Someone shouted.

"Wat ek ook al aan die einde van die maand betaal word." Mrs Van Merwe said with a smirk which just caused me to frown with confusion (whatever, I get paid at the end of the month).

I just signed quietly before zoning out at whatever happened, I even briefly planned how I would get my lunch. Basically everyone would be in the cafeteria and I wouldn't be as lucky as yesterday, I had to do something about that.... but unfortunately my mind came up blank so I guess I would have to go hungry, but then I knew there would be another way, there had to be or I would be starving. I didn't need lack of energy.

The bell rang and I thanked God that is if he even existed, I left among the pushing crowd that kept pollinating my name even further than it already was. I decided to hide in the janitor's closet to which was hard to hide in, then I got out once it was silent. The janitor's closet was basically open at all times.

I was about to make it to my locker but then I saw a view that made me stop.

George Zimmer and Cash were standing there while pushing some guy sideways and laughing. I frowned in confusion because I thought I was basically the only guy in school who was being made fun of but unfortunately I was wrong. The boy had messy dark brown hair and familiar glasses behind green eyes that flickered with a touch of blue, it looked weird seeing someone so largely shaped behind his baggy clothes being pushed around and he seemed to be allowing it.

I just froze watching as they beat him and pushed him sideways.

"You think you can be popular?" George was saying with a bark of laughter.

"If you want to be a part of us...." Cash's voice was filled with mischief "you going to have to prove it."

"S-sure." The deep voice said so lowly. I had the desire to run before they saw me but something in me told me to stay and maybe try to help him in any way. Maybe not physically but I can try to fix his wounds plus I have extra bandages. Luckily George and Cash left after their so called warning and barely saw me.

They actually passed my locker before going straight to the cafeteria. The boy had a bruised eye and a cut lip. He wiped away the blood with a curse.

"I just had to..." He trailed before closing his eyes tightly "merde!"

"U-U-UM!" I tried to speak because I was definitely clueless of what I witnessed. The boy looked at me with huge eyes before standing up straight and I swear that his aura was dominant, dangerous and definitely unapproachable.

"You again?" He asked with an eye-roll but I was more worried about his appearance, he looked awful. He didn't beat me up so I thought I could do something in return like cure his wounds.

"Y-y-your h-hurt." I mumbled with a swallow because his aura radiated anger and frustration including that dominance that wanted to make someone kneel before him.

"I know that." He rasped "I don't think it concerns you."

"I c-can h-h-help." I said with a tiny smile but the boy only laughed.

"No thanks kid." With that he walked away leaving me all alone, I didn't even get my lunch anymore nor worry about it because I was more worried about this stranger. Why would he not want my help?

Oh yeah I was the faggot. For the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about it.... I just wanted to help him, I knew the pain of bullies so I didn't want someone to go through that.

I decided that I would do what I could to help.

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