Chapter 14

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Justin's POV

I walked home with a very active and loud mind. My world seemed so dark and boring before, it mostly had me being a slave to my parents then homeworks after that I would drown in my pity but now it was different.

I had someone to talk to, I had a person who took me to an arcade, a person who took me on my first date. I even kissed that person and they kissed me back but only on the cheek.

"We're still friends.... friends who experiment."

My mind played over on what Ronaldo had said with his deep voice. I couldn't tell if he wanted a relationship or just a random hookup from a helplessly unstable gay guy that was bullied. I didn't know if he found me as an easy target or not. If I was just one of those people he played then left in the dirt.

When I arrived home, my mother's voice immediately boomed through the house. As if she was waiting for me to come back home.

"Dinner!" She said as if she knew it was me. I looked at the clock but it was only four, I didn't complain because I don't have money at the moment nor do I have the right to object since am still under their roofs and matters could get out of hand if I didn't just play with it.

So I carefully went to my room to place my bag then I went to the dining room. Carefully sitting in a chair, I would normally droll on whatever mother cooked but Ronaldo had given me a shocking suprise plus I wasn't that hungry. The table was already set up with both fork and knife, it brought back memories where I would be so happy for dinner times but now am just numb.

Soon Cash, dad and Mom came in and took their respective seats. Food was being passed by and I felt weird because I would avoid every single one of them by going to my room but I knew i had to be here since mom said dinner the moment I came in.

She cooked favourite at least it used to be, I didn't even take much just a small amount.

I could see mother's eyes flickering with shock that I didn't take a lot of food but I payed it no mind.

"So how was school?" Dad asked and Ronaldo came into my mind's view. I didn't say anything as Cash answered his father respectfully.


"Well Justin?"

"Ok." I said in a very low whisper and I barely ate. My stomach was full of burgers and fries at the moment. I just forced the lasagna down my throat as the family talked. They tried to get me to talk but I just looked at my plate which I washed when I was done...then I went to my room like the hounds of hell were following me.

The time was five pm so I decided to finish up my Homeworks and decided to call it a day after two hours. I silently went to take a shower before returning back to my room and locking the door.

I went to my closet undecided on the outfit I wanted to wear because I wanted to visit that....past. That forbidden act known onto man.

I finally found the shoe box I was looking for, this was my shameful secret that even Cash didn't know.. only I knew about it.

I took out the fabric, soft and in colour and so very beautiful but it didn't belong to a body like mine.

It became a habit after Zimmer and Cash forced me in a dress with make up. I actually enjoyed wearing this even though I didn't do it all the time. It was only on occasions that I actually did it.


That thing where the opposite gender wears outfits that don't fit with their sex.

I took a deep breath before finally pulling it over my head and it fell over my shoulders. It barely reached my knees and it hugged me perfectly including my backside, you could see that I didn't even have boobs. It didn't hide any body part at all except the little thing males carried in between their legs.

My legs looked pale against that pale Blue dress.

I smiled as I looked at myself.
How could something so wrong feel so fine?.

This wasn't normal for a boy. I just looked at myself for a very long time until I saw a figure behind me and I immediately became stiff--what if it was Cash?-- I was going to suffer humiliation.

I slowly turned out around to find Ronaldo!!

Omg he's going to be freaked out. Also why is he here? How did he even get in?

He stood there in a vest that finally proved my theory of him having impressive muscles, he also wore sweatpants that hugged his thighs. At first his face was in Shock as he scanned me up and down before it became unreadable.

This was definitely something that would ruin our friendship or whatever we were in Ronaldo's eyes and mine.

"Ronaldo..." I stuttered "I can ex--"

"Shhh." Ronaldo said as he kept looking at me silently and I only had one thought.

Am going to be humiliated.

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