Chapter 9

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Justin's POV

A week passed by painfully, my parents acted too sweet to me but I didn't dare let my guard down. I would just keep quiet then look at them. Ronaldo always had bruised and I always cleaned them including bringing him lunch. I honestly wanted to ask about the date thing but I knew I shouldn't push it, maybe that's because a part of me was actually glad that it finally had a chance to talk or rather be with someone but even I knew the results of that so I didn't ask.

School was hell as always but I was going to make it no matter what would happen... surely the school can't be planning something behind my back or something like that.

It was still early as there were not a lot of people yet, I just had to escape that hellhole I call home. I went to the smoker's chill zone and sure enough, Ronaldo was there with a cigar, his last bruise that had been just below his lip was healing and I was glad.

"Morning." I said with a small smile, Ronaldo looked at me sharply, his eyes on scanning mode and his jawline clenched to the point where I thought the nigga was experiencing pain, I frowned ''Are you ok?"

"Yeah sure." He said before looking at the sky and I was growing worried. Is it something I did or.... "That date." He suddenly said making me hide my smile by biting my lip. I thought he forgot but by the look on his face, I had a feeling he didn't want to and I wasn't going to try and force him. I just hoped that maybe....

"You don't have to...If you don't want to." I said softly just so he could know that it was simply a choice and not Something forceful. Ronaldo looked at me again and it's weird for me to confess but it felt weird. Like any other time of those days, the guy would simply say something stupid or funny but he was acting super weird.

He wore the usual huge baggy clothes but I could tell he was stiff as fuck. His eyes looked a little angry and that bothered me.

"You don't have to." I said even though the little hope I had within myself died down like fire being clenched by water "it's ok."

"Will you stop that?!" He bellowed and I flinched before taking a step back, he looked tense as he took a long, very long drag of his cigarette "Stop acting all sweet." He snapped while smoke still left his mouth, his hair was the usual messy state but I thought it looked good.

"Ok." I whispered "I should probably leave--"

"No don't go," he said with a sigh "Look am just pissed. I should probably fetch you today though." With that he left and I frowned immediately. Ronaldo didn't even know where the hell I lived but he spoke like someone who knew exactly where the place was at so I shook my head before walking to my first class which was of course of the accused Mr Jones.

Luckily and as expected he came out innocent and I felt great that for once I was ok and they were all just lies. Everyone of course, they didn't acknowledge that not even one bit. They simply didn't do anything.

"See I told you am ok." Mr Jones murmured when I had entered his class for first period and I just smiled and nodded.

I still couldn't get Ronaldo's words out of my head but i knew I was excited 

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