Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

''so you seduce your teachers!?" Father screamed at me before slapping me so hard, I saw stars. We were currently in the lognue and somehow Cash told my parents.... wait I mean he told Katie who was supposed to be acting like a mother who wasn't and also Richard who was currently smirking at me with his arms around his chest.

"N-no t-t-there r-r-r-rumors..." I said as blood filled my mouth, I tried explaining but I was too scared to countinue, Dad who is named Richard had a dark visible vein on his forehead and his eyes twitched.

"You see honey?" Katie said to Richard "I will never love faggots.... you're no child of mine."

Tears fell from my eyes and I looked at the floor while holding my cheek, suprisingly it went quite for a long time that I wondered whether everyone left, I simply turned around and left to my room before gently locking the door. I came back from a very fun day with Ronaldo only to get my day spoiled by my own family.

I felt empty, undeniable pain that flew through my entire body that I felt like dying on the spot but I couldn't, after all these years they still couldn't forgive me and they couldn't help me too.

I was too tired to even think about such things, my body was drained from Cash's beating in the morning and The school's judging eyes including dad's beating, a small smile broke out of my lips as I remembered the only part of my day that actually went and felt successful.

I just crawled In bed with my new bruises that I would clean up in the morning. Regardless that it was too early to say this but.... Ronaldo gave me joy and I was grateful...I thought as I slept.

I woke up in the morning and I groaned when I realised that I am too sore to actually move out of bed, so I had to force myself, I couldn't help but think I wouldn't do good if I stayed at home or anything like that so the only thing that came to me was that I was late In preparing breakfast. I forced my aching body to actually function after some difficulty. I went to the bathroom and was suprised when I smelt eggs and bacon, I just left and bathed including fixing the huge bruise that was currently on my cheek.

After changing into simple blue jeans and a white hoddie and some sneakers, I grabbed my bag then left for the kitchen, suprisingly I found mom and dad eating almost peacefully and Cash who had black bags under his eyes. They all looked at me when I came in but I just blinked slowly.

"Morning." My mom said softly, too softly that I frowned and took a huge step back.

"You not hungry?" Dad asked with a small smile. To say I was creeped out would be an understatement so I only turned around and left for school. I was already skinny due to not eating much. I breathed in deeply once I arrived at School because already people looked and some didn't bother which I was super reliefed about. My first lesson was English so I went to my locker first just so I could exchange a few books then I went to stand at the door and wished I haven't because Caro Emerald came to me, her hair was a flowing waterfall and her makeup was very beautiful that I had to admit she looked pretty, her skirt was short and her boobs were in a cleavage with a lollipop inside her mouth.

"Justin." She said so sweetly and innocently "I can't believe you would seduce a teacher."

I kept quiet, she wasted her time coming here just to tell me this shit.

"You can be as quiet as you want." She said before smirking, showing me her perfect set of teeth "No one will ever and I mean ever love you so keep that in mind." With that she left.

I whimpered as the bell covered up my sad pitiful whimpers. Luckily I didn't miss anything serious, so I got lucky but I didn't love how teachers kept looking at me like I was some disease or infection.

At lunch I was in Mr Jones's class in peace. I couldn't stop thinking of Ronaldo's little agreement that took place while we were in the arcade. Luckily George Zimmer didn't catch me, I was thankful. After a full day of replacing what I've missed out on... I decided to go to the smokers area once school was over and done with.

Ronaldo was already there smoking like there's no tomorrow and I wondered why he liked doing that but if he likes smoking that's fine. He turned to look at me and my eyes widened, his cheek looked puffy and red including his nose that was bleeding like there's no tomorrow.

"My God!" I said in horror "What happened?" I rushed to his side already taking out a piece of cloth before placing it gently to his cheek. Ronaldo blinked for a few moments before pursuing his lips.

"I think you know." He murmured making me nod.

"You don't have to try so hard, ya know." I said "I believe people will still like you just the way that you are."

"Thanks," he mumbled "I guess we all suffer huh?"

"Indeed some of us suffer in great amounts and some barely suffer." I said with a smile and he nodded and let me try and fix his wounds regardless that mine were making me almost disable.

Once I was done I smiled a little, he still looked worse but a little bit better.

"Why do you care?" I heard Ronaldo ask quietly and I frowned, I didn't know myself... I never bothered asking myself why I bring extra cloths for him or even use my bandages but I knew I didn't want something suffering just like me.

"Because I know your pain." I mumbled "I can only try to heal it."

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