Chapter 11

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Justin's POV

Ronaldo took us to Crystal sky. It wasn't something fancy but it had the most preetiest chandeliers and soft piano background music that made it a sweet, chilled area plus it was the only restaurant that closed early in the morning before re-opening at the late afternoon.

We were sitting in a booth and we faced each other. Ronaldo was busily tapping his fingers on the table making absolute sure that he looked elsewhere but I could see his eyes flickering to me once in awhile but honestly I was more focused on the fact that the chandelier's light made his hair stand out, it made his skin glow and the music just made him look so handsome. It was almost like the model coming out to show off his clothes, and Ronaldo looked just perfect.

His lips glowed and it rose a bit which made him look even more attractive. I noticed immediately that he has a habit of changing his eye direction when he felt nervous. His nose will slightly twitch and he would finger cross his pinkie with his thumb which made me think of how painful that really was but he didn't seem to be in any pain.

The waiter came wearing a suprisingly short skirt, boobs out and hair in a ponytail, she had big blue eyes and pink lips. She flashed both of us a smile but I noticed how the smile turned into a seducing smirk when her eyes passed Ronaldo. I wanted to comment but I gladly said nothing because Ronaldo had a choice not to date me...this wasn't even a serious date. He was simply doing it because he lost the bet and all those words he said must have meant nothing.

I concluded silently before forcing myself to look at the menu.

"Y'all ready to order?" She asked and I didn't bother looking up because I would be greeted with Ronaldo checking out another girl with me present so I didn't want to seem or be clingy. I didn't want to seem as if I was turning into a girlfriend or something.

"Ehh, I would like the sparkling blue drink and the chicken sandwich." I said softly before looking at the waiter that suprisingly gave me a look of pure hatred. I frowned slowly before giving her the menu as she forced a painful smile before taking it.

What the hell did I do? I gave her the right to check out Ronaldo, and she could even take him to the bathroom for some-- my stomach twisted painfully at this thought but I quickly reminded myself that Ronaldo was doing it because of the bet. It was quite for a minute and I turned to finally look at Ronaldo since he barely said anything.

I suprisingly saw him snap his eyes back in the menu for a few seconds before they returned to me then back at the menu.... I pressed my lip in a tight line to prevent a chuckle. Ronaldo actually looked shy and nervous, he kept looking at me.

"I'II take what he ordered as well." He finally said before giving the menu to the waiter that was giving me death glaires. She left leaving Ronaldo and I to quietly look at each other...his eyes were so beautiful, I felt like they were taking me to a place of peace and love. I didn't know whether someone was allowed to have such beautiful eyes.

His hair in different directions which wasn't a shock because his hair was always messy but I thought it added to his muscline looks. He didn't wear glasses which only made him hot.

He's so perfect.

"Eh here." I quietly flinched before smiling at the waiter that had returned with the meal. She left after making sure she accidentally brushed her skirt on his shoulders but Ronaldo seemed distracted or rather caught in a gaze.

I gently drunk my juice through the draw loving the blueberry flavour.

"So... I never saw you in school?" I finally said since Ronaldo looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. It even ended up making me counsious of my appearance.

"I... I was roaming around the school." He said before smirking "I ended up catching serious gossip."

I pressed my tognue on top of my teeth before feeling uncomfortable. I didn't want to talk about the daily gossip in school. I wanted to know about him... only him.

"How about you tell me about...the most embarrassing moment in your life?" I asked instead and Ronaldo's face turned into a scold.

"Well this one time, I got in a fight with an older boy." He said with an eye-roll before taking a bite of his sandwich "So we were both blowing punches at each other then BOOM the nigga goes and fetches his minions so basically I got humiliated by getting pushed on my face. I actually won."

I chuckled at the way his mouth still chewed yet talked at the same time.

"You didn't get hurt?"

"Just my handsome face." He said wiggling his eyebrows and I laughed "Now tell me yours."

"Well." I uttered "I got caught stealing cookies."

"That's innocent." Ronaldo said before placing his hands seriously on the table. It amused me how he got so comfortable "What about um... first kiss?"

"Never had one." I said casually "Not yet anyway. I barely find someone interesting."

"No one." He said sounding carefully and I just raised a brow.

"Yup, when did you get your first kiss?"

"That doesn't matter. I love anime by the way."

"Which one?" I asked "Naruto always seemed to be my favourite."

"Please don't tell me you favour the good side." He said with a grimance making me chuckle "Say you like pain...or Itachi."

"Why?" I asked with a small laugh as I picked up my sandwich and chewed it carefully, I didn't want the bread crumples to accidentally fall on my shirt.

Ronaldo suddenly turned serious for a moment before looking at me with no humour and he said something that actually shocked me.

"Because I might not be a good person."

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