Chapter 3

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Justin's POV


I signed in relief, it was finally after school, meaning I get the freedom of going back to yet another hellhole. I had to prepare dinner really quickly including taking care of mine and Cash's homeworks.

Math was my favourite subject, numbers were much easier to understand, the best part was that Mr Jones didn't tolerate bullies meaning everyone who spoke bad things about me would go to detention. It was the only class where I had to actually answer freely.

I packed up my math set and my books including the textbook before closing up my bag and pulling it over my shoulders securely. I hope I could make it through the school without any problems. Students were already leaving, and those near me made sure that I heared their sacrastic and homophobic comments and it included light shoves. I signed and waited until they were all outside then I stood up but then Mr Jones was already near my desk with a small smile.

Mr Jones was an American guy, he had a short faded stylish cut, dark brown skin and to me he looked huge and strong because regardless of his suit, there were faded signs of muscles and abs.

"Ah, Justin my favourite student." His voice was near deep, muscline and also a bit girly and loud.

"Sir?" I questioned making him shake his head.

"You're pretty strong," he said with a chuckle "all that bullying but you still make it. Remember that if you need someone to talk to, I'II be here."

I nodded with respect then smiled in appreciation. I left the class, and tried my best to silently leave between students but that was a major failure because I ended up being tripped or shoved, I signed in annoyance under my breath before countinusly getting up until I was outside the school.

My eyes caught Cash who was smirking evilly at me plus he was friends with George and also a jock, I groaned before walking as fast as my legs could take me. Once I successfully escaped the school, I started walking home.

I still couldn't believe that boy with dark brown hair that was all messed up, his locks in different directions and his eyes a deep green but also flickered with blue was pretending, but was he really pretending to be who he was not, he was totally different when I saw him with George Zimmer and the cheerleaders. He looked like a dirty puppy looking for some acceptance. He didn't have to try so hard to fit in.

I shaked my head at such thoughts then when I arrived home, which was apperantly dirty, I went to place my bag in my room then I started with the breakfast dishes that my family left behind, cleaned the house, then I started on dinner, it was nothing fancy just fried chicken with rice and a few vegetables. By the time I was finished I heared the door open then I heared Cash's voice along with a deep groan.

I groaned miserably, I hated when cash brought his friends over, they always humiliated me in ways I cannot believe was ever possible. One time they made me.... no forcefully made me wear girl's clothing, I did like the softness of the dress but that didn't mean I would suddenly wear it all the time, they put make up on my face and a wig then took pictures. One time they also forced me to actually shave my hair and almost forced me to give them blow jobs which was disgusting and gross.

I tried to reach the stairs so I could run to my room, a place that was currently a place of safety, but cash caught me because that's when his voice boomed through.

"Come here little brother!" He said and I don't know what possessed me but I obeyed. He was sitting on the couch with George Zimmer who was wearing a huge smirk on his face, it actually made me sick and tired.

I just looked at them both with tiredness, at least it's only two of them instead of five or six.

"Do mine and Zimmer's homework." With that two bags were shoved in my hands. I just left holding them then I did their work. I once tried writing wrong things but that resulted to me getting beaten.

It took three hours and I was tired, I went to give them their bags then immediately went to the kitchen to make myself a quick sandwich because I wasn't allowed to eat dinner with everyone, I quickly ate then drank juice. Then i immediately locked myself in my room then began my homework.

My mind was tired including my body, but I forced myself. I even had to ignore the laughter that was currently downstairs. I signed miserably before grabbing my art book. The only thing that could explain my pain and give me relief, then I grabbed my charcoal pencil and started drawing my miserable life in a form of a boy crying. 

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