Chapter 13

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Justin's POV

I nervously tapped my feet on the ground. I stood at the smokers place, since it was sorta of like a meeting place for me and Ronaldo. I had woken up early even though my body protested all because I didn't feel like having my family ruin my suprisingly good mood so I had left early. I didn't even bother with making breakfast since mom seemed like she had time to make breakfast for her two favorite people.

I couldn't stop thinking of my lips on his cheek, his blush was in my mind already... like an unforgettable event had occurred years ago. I wondered if he would let the cheek kiss effect what we had as friends and all I could do is hope it didn't.

I suddenly felt two hard hands on my waist which made me jerk up and I turned sharply to find Ronaldo who was biting his lip to hold back his laughter.

"You scared me." I said pouting angrily as I stomped my foot on the ground "It's not funny... Ronaldo I swear--ugh!" I said in frustration as Ronaldo wiped his eyes like he was crying. As usual his hair was a sexy mess and he wore his heavy baggy attire but I was glad that he didn't put on glasses, it was good to look through his soul not his glasses.

I stood there with a smile, his laugh just like yesterday was deep and muscline. It also felt good to have him laugh a bit considering his tough situation with Cash and his minions.

I turned my back onto him in pretense of anger. I heard him sober down then the sound of his footsteps echoed as he came to stand besides me, for some reason I became stiff because his shoulders brushed mine... except he was much taller. I bit my bottom lip out of nervousness.

"Dude, don't be mad." He said with a smirk as his hand suddenly touched my waist again. I held my breath for a second not knowing whether this was a friendly gesture or if it meant more.

"I was just playing around.'' he said with a suprisingly husky voice. His hand burned my skin even though it was clothed. I didn't say anything as his head lowered slowly till it rested on my hair, his breath fanned my neck which gave me goosebumps but unfortunately the bell rang so loudly it interrupted our moment.

Ronaldo pulled back before blinking twice then he winked at me.

"See ya later... Goodness." He said before he disappeared. Goodness, he called me Goodness. I resisted an eye roll knowing exactly how sacrastic he was.

I went to my first lesson before I could even be late which was history and all I did was daydream...his hand was literally on my waist and he noticed...he had to notice because he was the one who put it there....I mean could this mean something. Mrs Van Merwe was nothing but a background voice since I mostly thought of what happened this morning. I guess he didn't find the cheek kiss weird.

In math I enjoyed my quiz test which had everyone grumpy, I was simply trying not to smile at nothing in particular. I received little shoves in the hallway but I didn't let that ruin my mood. Classes were pure heaven for the very first time and I couldn't wait for lunch time.

Or rather I couldn't wait to see him.

When the bell rang. I happily jumped out of my seat and left between the crowd. I then realized that I didn't bring food and I never had breakfast because my stomach decided to announce it's complaints.

I went to the place where smokers chill at but I felt like I couldn't handle the new urine smell. I waited fifteen minutes but Ronaldo was not here usually he took five or ten minutes so I assumed that maybe he decided to join those terrible jocks. I went to the Library instead of Mr Jones's class as I tried to bury the disappointment that bubbled inside me, I then sat at the very back of the library then I took out my math textbook, calculator and pencil then I solved some equations.

I was halfway through when my eyes got covered and by the cigarette smell... I knew who it was.

"Guess who?" He said with that thick Spanish accent.

"Eeer Santa?" I said earning a snicker but Ronaldo didn't say anything further so I guess I had to keep on guessing.

"A sailor?....Cat?...Elf?.... Eminem?" I kept saying and Ronaldo just kept laughing.

"Noo." He finally said with a sigh.

"A Mafia?" I joked and was surprised that Ronaldo didn't snicker...he didn't comment for awhile and I almost thought that he was lost in his thoughts but after the silence, he removed his hands around my eyes. I looked at him, shocked at his lifted brow and teasing smirk.

"What if I was?'' he questioned.

"I guess I would just have to keep your little secret." I said tapping my pencil on the desk and Ronaldo looked serious for a second before rolling his eyes.

"How did you find me?" I asked curiously.

"Your tracks are not hard to find. Even a blind animal could find you." He said casually before taking a seat next to me and before I could talk he suddenly placed McDonald's take away in front of me. My eyes widened and my stomach made noises which made Ronaldo laugh as I blushed in embarrassed.

"Food is not allowed in the library." I whispered but Ronaldo was already taking out the fries and ignoring the sounds that the take away bag made, he handed me the fries with a raised brow as if challenging me to deny the meal. I frowned before taking a bite of one and I almost moaned.... it's been awhile since I ate something this good.

"You always bring lunch for me too." He said with a smirk as he drank his soda.

''Thank you." I said with a huge smirk and for some reason Ronaldo looked away. I focused on my fries shocked that the librarian keeper didn't smell or hear the sounds of the bag. Me and him ate in comfortable silence and that was until I felt soft lips on my cheek.

I snapped my eyes to look at Ronaldo so fast that I was surprised I didn't lose my neck. Ronaldo just blinked twice as he looked at me, I didn't know whether I should be happy or.....

Ronaldo suddenly kissed my cheek again regardless of how wide my eyes were, this time his lips almost grazed my mouth, his lips were soft and smooth.

"Ronaldo..." I gasped in shock hoping to hear him apologize but when he didn't, I kinda felt happy.

"Am just returning the favor,'' he said "Let's just experiment yeah?" he asked before kissing my cheek again... like that kiss wasn't a big issue to me before I could stop myself I was nodding.

"Good," Ronaldo said with a smirk "we're still friends... friends who experiment."


A/N: updates will be coming in since the Coronavirus effected my education so I will be homeschooled and I have time now... please be safe everyone.

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