Chapter 5

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Justin's POV

The next morning, I decided to make myself lunch which wasn't easy to make since I barely ate breakfast nor dinner with my own parents, the reason behind that was to avoid them giving me cruel words so I had to quickly make it in the morning including sneaking out an apple to balance my morning needed energy. I also grabbed extra bandages and extra clean cloths since I didn't have money to buy an emergency aid kit.

I was determined to help the stranger too, maybe in secret because I didn't want to ruin whatever plan he had with George and Cash, it amazed me how someone would go this far just so they could be popular... there's nothing wrong with being yourself besides I believe the more popular you are, the more you'll feel alone because now you've given everyone a reason to actually love something about you, which is your popularity.

Math class was great because we had a suprise test, I always love a challenge and although people groaned, I secretly smiled and I know a few equations killed me.

"Justin please remain behind!" Mr Jones said after his lesson ended and I nodded waiting for everyone to leave while I countinusly packed my books then I did what I always did.... ignored the bullies who secretly whispered that I was giving mr Jones some dick and blowjob which I found bothering and stupid. Shouldn't I talk to a fellow male without people thinking it's something deeper.

"Why does Mr Jones love Justin so much? he's always good in math and he protects him during his lesson."

"Maybe cause he's giving him blowjobs."

"Omg! Am going to tell everyone."

"Why would he bribe teachers for perfect results?"

"In order to leave us."

I had to ignore whoever said that, the funny part was that they said it loudly but only loud enough for me to hear. That's weird, why would people assume shit that I never spoke of, there's no evidence too.

Once it was empty I walked to his desk.

"I know the gossip is too much." Mr Jones said without looking at me, his hands already had a few files I didn't know about "including the beatings, I'II be in the staff room at lunch time and I want this class to be your secret hiding place, I already made a spare key." He said before placing the files down and giving me my spare keys to which I took.

"Thanks you so much Mr Jones!" I chirped happily "I won't let anyone find out.''

"Ooh yeah, I believe that." He said with a chuckle before dismissing me, I had art next so I let my imagination run wild when my pencil touched the empty paper, it was like learning how to eat something you've always liked. It never disappoints you, it tastes nice and it just flows, that was the same with art. History was annoying and English was frustrating because of the bullies.

I noticed know that I don't have any lessons with the boy and that I couldn't see him around. I ended up spending my time in Mr Jones's class and drew the art I have been working on.

My last three lessons were suprisingly peaceful and nobody bothered me which made me worry. I definitely suspected that something big was being planned but I let that slide, it was nice not to be pushed around anymore nor being laughed at like I was a permanent pleasure.

When school ended, I couldn't help but think that my life was so boring, but there was nothing I could do about it. I had no friends, I didn't know how that would be like nor how to deal with things like betrayal. I signed heavily before deciding to go to where the smokers always hang out again, maybe because I was feeling.... like that would interest my life just a little bit, plus I never ate my food.

I walked there slowly, I couldn't help thinking of that boy though because I barely saw him today, was he ok or was he not, I barely saw George or Cash nor the cheerleaders which I found quite disturbing, I hope nothing is going on because they all usually hunt me down like some zebra.

When I arrived at the place, it was luckily empty and the smell was still horrible but there's nothing that can be done about that, I signed before closing my eyes and ignoring the smell, I should probably go home and prepare dinner bef--

"You again?" A voice said out of nowhere and I turned to find the boy with a cigarette, his face in a scoff. Today he wore some maroon baggy hoddie and sweatpants, and his eye looked even worse than yesterday.... I hope people didn't start bothering him, maybe that's why no one ever bothered with bullying me.

"You crushing on me or something?" He asked with a raised brow and I simply resisted an eye roll.

"No." I said with firmly and softly "I just wanted to help."

The boy frowned before looking at the sky "Justin...." He said slowly but stopped there, then he shocked me by offering me the bruised hand.... I was suspecious now.

"Shouldn't you be saying no?" I asked without being nervous which surprised me because this guy still gave off the bad vibe.

"Well, you going to do it or not?" He groaned "damn, am hungry."

I smiled slowly.

"I have lunch that I didn't eat." I said before carefully walking to the hand and began with cleaning and nurturing the wounds "I don't mind sharing."

The boy kept quiet for a long time while I countinusly cleaned the blood on his knuckles and his bruised carefully.  I noticed that his eyes had a dark navy blue colour and that he had a small pimple at the left eye. His face was very..... handsome....

Justin no, focus on the task here, you just made someone talk to you without them trying to kill you.

"Sure." He said and I suppose I made a friend and least I think so.

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