Chapter 2

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Justin's POV

Just like I thought, it was harder. I wiped the blood that oozed out of my nose, George decided to corner me after my Art class and beat me up while making sure that everyone watched. I am pretty sure that a few students took pictures and some were going to post it through Facebook or something.

After holding my tears, i managed to run to the boy toilets and I locked myself up, then I cried, I cried until I felt like my throat was tied up and it couldn't take in anymore oxygen nor could it utter a word. I was the definition of weak, I was 5'6 and had pale flesh just like my mother, suprisingly I was naturally born with dark black hair and ocean eyes. I didn't have any muscles and I didn't feel like going to the gym or joining any sport.

I just wanted peace.

I managed to dust myself off, I didn't go to the nurse this time because I already had a supply of bandages, I just cleaned up my bruised cheek and managed to place a tissue on my bleeding nose since it was badly bruised and had blood pouring out of it slowly. Once I managed to make my ugly self look less ugly, I took a brave step and decided to walk back to my next lesson. Luckily there wasn't anyone around so I managed to breath in relief. I savored the silence and also the peacefulness, it felt sorta good to walk around without someone trying to hit you.

The thought of escaping class made me smile a little, so I went along with it even though I didn't want to miss out on any lesson, I just didn't have the power to actually face more disturbing bullies.

I went to the back of the School, that place where smokers always hang out and they countinusly hide while inhaling that toxic chemical. I was glad that no one was there but the place smelled so badly, it smelled of cigarettes to which I wasn't surprised but I was shocked at the pee smell that decided to insult my nose which still hurt.

I cringed in disgust.

"What the fuck did you think you would get?" A deep muscline voice said out of nowhere and I didn't hesitate to look around, I didn't even think that me skipping my lesson would result to a beating lesson. I looked around but didn't see anyone.

"A-am going crazy?" I whispered to myself, my voice sounded weird because I had cried, my throat even felt dry.

"No, fool." I heared then a boy came from around the corner, he was definitely larger and more taller than me, he wore baggy clothes that definitely couldn't hide his broad shoulders. He had green eyes that flickered with a touch of blue, dark brown hair and sun kissed skin. The boy wore glasses and his hair looked messy, his face was twisted in annoyance and both amusement and he had a cigarette in his mouth.

"Ain't you the faggot?" He asked unbothered before he released the cigarette from his mouth then he blew out smoke. I didn't know how to answer because my heart was already beating fast, and my eyes had already widened in fear, so I settled to keeping my mouth shut.

The boy looked at me with a raised brow before he simply rolled his eyes and returned the cigarette into his mouth, so it remained silent for a while neither of us said nothing and I felt ten times uncomfortable.

"You just going to look and not say hello?" He mumbled in irritation as the cigarette sat in his mouth, smoke came out of his nose and at the corner of his mouth "Fucking rude."

I just blinked slowly "Y-You a-are not g-g-going to h-hit me?" I managed to ask in shock. The boy looked at the sky with a bored expression.

"Nah, that's a lot of energy, and am already annoyed." He managed and I realized that his knuckles were split open and tiny drops of blood were oozing out.

"What happened?" I managed with a gasp before running to look at his knuckles and I immediately forgot that I was supposed to be the scared cat but I was already worried about this stranger, I mean his knuckles would be in great pain.

Once I had his hands in my hands, I noticed that his hands were larger. I immediately wiped the blood away with my shirt, making sure that I didn't press my shirt on his knuckles that hardly.

The stranger went rigid under my touch but he didn't say anything nor pull away so I was grateful, once I was done with the wiping I wrapped my extra bandages around his knuckles, it was like a 'thank you' from me to him for not bullying me.

Of course the wound should have been cleaned out with something like alcohol but I didn't have that, he didn't beat me so I could at least say thank you by helping him.

I pulled away when I was done, the stranger looked at his bandaged knuckles and his cigarette was nearly finished, he didn't say anything for a moment and his eyes seemed to dim a bit but he removed his almost finished cigarette then suprisingly blew that smoke on my face.

I coughed uncontrollably and heared deep laughter, that I had to admit sounded muscline and nice.

"Thanks kid.'' he said and I was still coughing and trying to remove the misty smoke away from my eyes which took a minute but then the stranger wasn't there anymore.

I managed a small smile, at least he didn't treat me like trash.... I thought as I looked at my shirt which had a stain of blood. It was quite once again, I didn't know what to do so I simply stood there. I tolerated the bad smell and ignored the way my nose protested.

I realized that I didn't ask the stranger who his name was which would have probably freaked him out, it's not like am expecting him to suddenly be my friend when I just met him.... not at all.

I waited until the bell rang, it was finally lunch, and just like a dog in heat. I managed to quickly run to the cafeteria so that no one could bully me but unfortunately some people are faster.

"Outta my way faggot."

"Stop looking at my dick."

"Eeew there's the men stealer, nobody touch him."

I ignored all that, and immediately left the cafeteria after successfully getting my lunch, the corridor was already filled with people and I struggled to keep the lunch on my tray steady.

I was walking to the school garden but I saw George Zimmer in all his might and glory, and next to him where his friends including the cheerleaders, I swallowed loudly and even cursed but then I saw that boy next to them and luckily people were passing around which covered me.

The boy looked like a dirty sloth in the mist of beautiful lions, he looked innocent and nothing like that smoking bad vibe I saw a few minutes ago, he kept smiling shyly and looking at everyone. I simply shook my head and walked faster, he's just a wannabe meaning I had to stay away from him.

Here I am thinking I could make a friend.

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