Chapter 16

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Justin's POV

I woke up without yesterday's warmth which was basically Ronaldo. I bit my lip nervously before looking at the other side of the bed....right where Ronaldo had slept and I sighed in relief when I saw a note.

I picked it up slowly while running an index finger on my lip....the very same lips that touched a very hot Spanish boy. My first kiss, my first dance. I slowly read the letter laughing softly at what Ronaldo wrote.


Basically I had to run back home or my grandmother would have given me some serious lesson about something I barely know. Be ready for our date immediately after school.

PS: I like black, to clarify I really, really, really love BLACK lacyyyyyyyyyy panties.


I rolled my eyes before looking at the watch and my eyes widened at the time...oh goshhh it's six, I was supposed to be leaving so I quickly changed the dress. Then I went to the bathroom took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and combed my hair before I returned to my room with a towel around my waist, then I immediately wore black ripped jeans along with a grey hoddie then I tucked it away with the dress just incase my so called family decides to peek through.

After setting my books in my bag I looked at the window. I wasn't in the mood to face Everyone, the door suddenly flew open and I tensed at Cash who was looking at me with a raised brow.

Today he was wearing that lame jock jersey along with white jeans and black Adidas shoes. Hair neat and a chain necklace around his neck.

I blinked twice... and I didn't dare say or do anything. Cash looked at me for a few minutes, the silence was tense and uncomfortable.

"You're glowing." Cash finally said "Who is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said blankly even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"First of all I know you more than any guy out there... Justin. You would have flew through the other side of the room when I entered but no, you are staring at me like you John Cena. Your eyes are filled with light, I see you smile alone when you standing in front of your locker--"

"You look at me?" I asked in shock and immediately I felt uncomfortable... that's just creepy. I immediately noted that I had to keep a more careful eye on Cash in school.

"--and you don't walk around with that depression. Listen break things off now." He demanded angrily "He's not good for you."

"Then who?" I asked curiously "Am not seeing anyone." I lied and I didn't feel sorry about it.

Cash looked at me with an emotion I couldn't was somewhere between anger and frustration including sadness.

"Someone Justin... someone who has always been there way longer than some guy. You were too blind to see." Cash said "leave him... and maybe the guy am talking about will reveal himself." With that he left with the same unreadable emotion.

I just sighed before leaving through the window. I couldn't wait to see Ronaldo. I actually get a chance to be happy about something then Cash comes here talking in riddles.

I skipped joyfully to School deciding that I wouldn't let what he said bother me at all. Once I arrived in School I went to my locker, because I woke up late... I didn't have time to talk to Ronaldo.

I buried my sadness and groaned silently when my stomach protested. Maybe I should have stayed at home mainly for breakfast.

When I opened my locker I almost ran to find Ronaldo and shower him with hugs and kisses because right before me was a chocolate muffin with the paper cup that belonged to starbucks along with it was an attached note.


I noticed that you don't eat much so eat up quick before first period.

Dare I say it....

Your badness.

I blushed at that name I had mumbled before I quickly shoved the letter at the very back of my locker. I immediately hid it behind books before taking the necessary textbooks then I grabbed my muffin and ate it along with the venti caffe latte. I almost forgot how Starbucks tasted likes thanks to my very unaccepting parents.

I managed to finish before class then dropped the empty cup away. Math was first lesson and I tried by all means to concentrate which was hard after math as I was walking through the hallway I felt someone touch my ass and I tensed thinking it was one of the students.

Maybe to make fun of me but my curiousity stopped when Ronaldo was walked passed me with the popular crew that was currently avoiding everyone, Ronaldo was the only one who kept peeking through the corner of his eyes.

I looked at Ronaldo who winked at me from the corner of his eyes. I stopped a giggle before I went to my second lesson which was history and that's what it felt like through the whole day.

Ronaldo was sorta of everywhere today and what was weird is that everytime I left a certain lesson, I see Ronaldo around is like he already knows my schedule. I saw him a lot and if he was near, he would spank and squeeze my ass then pass me like he didn't do it. I was surprised when no one literally noticed.

I wanted to hear him talk and to kiss.

Lunch time came and I went to the library but Ronaldo didn't come at all. I had to bury my worry but after school I went to the smoker's place where I found him lazily smoking.

"My gosh." I said "You're such a pervert."

Ronaldo laughed before throwing the halfway finished cigarette under his feet.

"That's one of my many talents." Ronaldo said "It felt nice touching your backside all day."

"What if people saw?'' I asked nervously.

''Trust me I would know." He said "You could say am a well trained tiger. Anyway you are going to meet my grandmother."

I paled.

"It's still early.'' I mumbled I couldn't meet parents yet anyways.

"I know," he agreed before coming nearer to me as my heart quickened "She found out I sneaked out and when I came back she smacked a frying pan on my ribs."

"Gosh." I said as Ronaldo got closer to my face "I--"

"I've been dreaming of kissing you." He said making me blush ''Let me have my desire."

He said before kissing my lips again....woooow this boy was certainly something else... I thought while trying to bury my nervousness.

I don't even know how to speak Spanish.


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