Chapter 15

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Justin's POV

Lol. Y'all's comments make me laugh, I swear I almost collapsed.

"You crossdress?" Ronaldo asked after a long moment of silence. His voice was laced with suprise and I sighed.

"I know," I said looking down in shame "I look stupid and am sure you think that--"

"Shhh." He said before offering me his hand much to my suprise "this sounds dumb..but am always thinking stupid shit with me."

I blushed even harder before looking down at the ground again.

"Dance?" I questioned in disbelief, Ronaldo had a way of truly expressing his emotions.

" don't know how?" He asked with a raised brow ''It's just.....put your feet on top of my shoes." He then demanded

I shaked my head slowly before looking up at him, he looked sorta blank on the face so I couldn't read whether he was truly ok with what he saw. I just ended up taking his offered hand before slowly putting my feet on his Nike takkies this resulted to me actually being face to face with him.

Honestly....his face was just too handsome to be real and his hair looked even better although it was messy.

Ronaldo circled his muscular hand around my waist and I placed my other hand on his bare shoulders not missing his intake of breath. Because of the vest he wore, I could feel his muscles under my touch....woah.

Ronaldo started moving around a bit.

"When did you realise that you like women's clothing?" He asked with a raised brow as his feet lifted softly. I tried to concentrate on the fact that his hand was actually not on my waist but it was super hard.... difficult.

"The time Cash and his idiots forced me into one." I said looking straight into his eyes.

"Well. I honestly thought you had a sister around," Ronaldo said his breath fanning my face "Until I realized that I was actually inside your room."

"How did you even get in?" I muttered with a raised brow.

"Your window was open." He said in an almost 'duh' tone.

"Oh." I said before gasping slowly when Ronaldo practically pushed me into him...chest to chest...faces inches apart.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I... I don't know." He answered.

"Could that be possible?" I questioned "Of course you do Ronaldo. Are you hurt again? Do you have bruises? Is your nose brok--"

Ronaldo chuckled.

"You so worried about me."

"Well duh." I said "of course am worried. And you avoiding the question?"

"So, you're not wearing panties?.... better yet lacy Panties??" Ronaldo asked avoiding my dropped jaw "Remember I like black." He reminded like it was the most important piece of information.

"Ronaldo!" I hissed in embarrassment before hiding my face into his neck while he chuckled deeply as he kept swaying around while I enjoyed the touch of his hand and the way his muscles feel against mine.

"Why did you come here?" I asked again.

"I wanted to ok," Ronaldo said angrily "Kinda feels like my body is controlling my mind."


"How did you learn to dance?" I asked avoiding that subject since he looked like he wasn't going to answer any time soon.

"I was taught at a very young age. You always had to be on point with a father like mine." He answered.

"He sounds important." I said.

"I know," Ronaldo said "Everything he says goes. He's always the top sorta guy, his suits are fancy in a way."

I kept quiet and just simply enjoyed the feeling of Ronaldo moving around. His feet rising before softly hitting the ground before he twirled around. Luckily he didn't force me to dance because we would have fallen face flat.

I was enjoying this so much...his touch...his breath....his fast beating heart that I didn't feel it when he stopped dancing. I only felt it when his hand suddenly landed on my ass.

I yelped before removing my face on his neck. I tried to jump off him but he kept a strong hold on me. His smirk wolfish and teasing before he squeezed my ass hard.

"Ronaldo....'' I warned with a little moan although that act sent shivers down my spine. I just couldn't find it in me to just have sex with him.... I wanted something more than a one night.

"What?" He asked like he didn't just squeeze my ass "Remember we're just friends.... friends who experiment."

"Am not a toy." I blurted out before blushing harder.  Oh goshhh.

"Toy?" He asked "No you're not... goodness." He agreed before his nose brushed mine "Experimenting and using are two different things."

Before I could respond Ronaldo's lips were touching my lips.

My mouth!!! Literally his lips were on my lips!!!

He didn't move them though just stared at me as if asking. I shyly applied pressure before closing my eyes, I didn't want him to see my eyes like he did a minute ago. Ronaldo didn't waste a second in kissing back softly before biting my lower lip and I gasped before his tognue licked my roof before he kissed me roughly.

I moaned before tugging at his hair while he squeezed my ass and waist to death with a groan....the sexiest groan I've ever heard. It was deep and muscline.

We kept kissing before I realized it my back was on top of the bed. My eyes snapped open but Ronaldo's index finger silenced me. Said boy had the boldness to wrap my legs around his waist before slapping my ass again.

"What's with you and my ass?" I asked as he leaned closer.

"My fetish,'' he mumbled "I may or may not have checked it out a few times."

I chuckled at that as his nose brushed mine.

"Am a murderer remember?" He joked "I might hurt you a little bit I won't kill you...I'II protect you."

"You didn't hurt me." I said remembering the first day I met him. I ran my hands in his messy sexy hair as he massaged my ass through the dress I wore.

Shivers... magic.... fireworks and shock rushed through me.

"I mean emotional," he said "tell me you'll forgive me."

"I'II forgive you." I said and he responded with a soft kiss...way smoother than the last one.

"Oh." Ronaldo said after he pulled away from the kiss before removing my legs around his waist while I removed my hands around his neck. He layed besides me before slowly pushing me into his chest and I hugged his waist while he pushed a blanket around us.

"We going on our second date tomorrow." Ronaldo said as I yawned.

"Ok....badness." I said unaware of the name I just called him while he chuckled.

"Sleep." He said softly while running his hand in my hair "Remember, you'll forgive me."

And the sleep that I've been avoiding consumes me.

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