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Yes, I know that it's not Christmas and it's already 2020, but I've been busy with stupid stuff like always, but anyways...



Christmas day
6:50 am
Jimin's house

Jimin shuffled in his bed, the bright light that was peaking through the window annoyed him.

He groaned and put his arm over his eyes to block it out and fell asleep.

What a mood...

He then heard cars beeping outside, disturbing his sleep once again.

"Alright fine! I'll get up!!" Jimin sighed and sat up on his bed loosing the warmth.

His hair was a mess, his eyes were half closed.

To discribe what he looked like...


Jimin fully got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower, he had work today so he wanted to be squeaky clean.

When he opened the door he screamed, he saw a monster on his mirror... oh wait... it's him...

Jimin groaned AGAIN, and started to take his clothing off for the shower, once done, he went in and turned the water on.

After the shower he got out and put the towel around his hips to cover his bottom area, and went out of the steamy room.


The phone buzzed, once, twice, until Jimin picked it up to see 500 messages from his friend co-worker that he was...


Jimin screamed and immediately threw the towel off not bothering to dry himself and put his suit on making sure to put the SOCKS ON FIRST. Then he put his shoes on and tied his tie.

His hair was still dripping wet so he rubed the towel harshly hoping that it would dry. Now his hair was frizzy.

At this point Jimin just gave up, he was already 1 hour late to his job so what's the point in going? So he went to his phone and texted his friend back telling him that he would call in sick for today, but promise to come tomorrow.

Besides, who wants to work on Christmas day? Isn't it supposed to be a break? Apparently it isn't for Jimin's job.

You're probably wondering... What's Jimin's job anyways? Well... his job is to work as his father's 'right hand man', for he was a CEO of a famous company.

But that isn't important, what's important is, is that Jimin has a great plan for his supposedly 'day off' although be basically tricked them into saying he was sick.

Obviously, his plan was to pick up his sweet sweet chocolate boy. I mean, how could he forget? He's been thinking of him for the past 3 weeks.

He even has it on his agenda: Pick up chocolate boy from candy shop.

Jimin changed out of his suit to a more casual 'going out' clothing. He also combed his hair.

Some people think that men don't wear make up, Jimin wears very little of it, so he applyed some to his face.

Now he was ready to go, but first, let him take a selfie-

Now he was ready to go, but first, let him take a selfie-

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