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There is nothing much to say, nothing new expect it being Pride Month. But here is the daily:

Hope you guys enjoy! And I'm sorry for any gross mistakes that I have made

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Hope you guys enjoy! And I'm sorry for any gross mistakes that I have made.

Jimin POV:

Damn, that was refreshing. I went out of the stall to see Hoseok, Yoongi, and Tae already washing their hands.

I started laughing because we all needed to use the bathroom for some reason.
We dried our hands and went out together too look for Jungkook and go home.

"Funny, Jungkook was supposed to be right here" I said looking around.

"Maybe he went to sit over there?" Hoseok pointed to the sitting area near to where they were standing.

"ugh, where did he go?" I started to get nervous, he could be anywhere in this gigantic mall! "

"Should we go try to call him through intercom at the Lost and Found area?" Taehyung suggested.

I nodded and we all ran there.

"Hello, we're trying to find my boyfriend, he was supposed to be waiting for us somewhere but when we looked he wasn't there." I said full of panic.

"ok, first and last name?" The lady said going to the microphone.

"Jeon Jungkook"

She nodded and turned the intercom on.
"Jeon Jungkook, please report to the lost and Found services, your boyfriend and friends are worried about you, again, Jeon Jungkook please report to the lost and found services."

"Thank you so much."


They waited there for almost an hour, and there was no sign of the boy.

"I'm sorry sir, but maybe he went home?"

"No, he didn't go home, he doesn't even know how to drive or does he know the way back"

"Then maybe he's outside? Outside the mall that is."

"Maybe, we'll go check now, thank you for your help." The boys bowed and left running out the mall. Let's just hope the mall cops don't think they're robbing.

Once they were outside they screamed out Jungkooks name, people around them were concerned or confused on what they're like doing.

Jimin looked around and saw a shady alley, his heart stung when he walked closer to it.

The 3 other followed behind him and gasped.

"J-Jungkook?" Hoseok put his hand over his mouth and Tae looked away, Yoongi called the ambulance."

Jimin slowly walked passed the dead man to the unconscious boy and sat down to shake the boy awake.


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