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Why is it so hottt, I'm literally MELTING.


I really need to restock on the daily pics

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I really need to restock on the daily pics. I'm running out 😭


"hey guys..." Jimin said before sitting down on the booth next to Jungkook.

"hi" Everyone said before stuffing food in their mouths.

"why did you eat without me?" Jimin pouted.

"well maybe if you didn't stay too long in the bathroom." Jin said and Jimin looked confused.

"What, I wasn't in the bathro-"

"Haha anyways, you should order now." Hoseok said, Jimin shrugged it off and called a waiter.


Jungkook was playing with Taehyung and everyone else was eyeing Jimin quietly. Jimin would usually get jealous over these things,,, but I guess not today.

"are you guys done yet?? we want popsicles..." Taehyung whined and Jungkook giggles.

No body said anything, Taehyung frowned. "fine, me and Kookie are gonna get popsicles.", "I really hope no one follows us!" Taehyung hinted. As on que, everyone but Jimin stood up.

"Aha! r-right! I'm coming with. We don't want any accidents to happen, right?" Hoseok said and they nodded.

"Hey, I said I didn't want anyone following us!" Taehyung looked in the corner of his eye at Jimin's face to see his reaction. Nothing.

"Yeah, but I said I didn't want any accidents to happen!"

"Ugh fine, let's go." Before they could all walk away Jimin stood up.

"I'm coming too" Jimin said and put money on the table.

They then walked out of the restaurant and to the park. Once they got there, Jungkook ran to the swings, Taehyung did as well. Namjoon went to the ice cream truck with Yoongi.

Now its just Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin.

"We shouldn't act too weird. Let's pretend to forget it all happened." Hoseok whispered to Jin. The older sighed but nodded. "We should tell the rest too."

"Hey Jimin, aren't you going to play with Jungkook?" Hoseok looked at Jimin who was on his phone.

Jimin didn't look up from his phone but nodded. He stood up and walked over to the two playing on the swings.

"Did you catch what he was doing on his phone?" Jin asked but Hoseok shook his head. "Not sure, but I'm pretty sure he was texting someone."

"Hey, we're back. I've got your ice creams and popsicles." Namjoon stuffed his wallet in his pocket before handing Jin and Hoseok their ice cream. Yoongi went to the three on the swings.

"Hyung look!! A flower!! Isn't it pretty?" Jungkook said getting off the swing, picking it up, and shoving it towards Jimin.

"Yeah that's nice."

Jungkook pouted, but noticed Yoongi with his popsicle. "Yayy popsiee!!"

Taehyung and Yoongi looked at eachother and sighed. "Jungkook, you can continue to play with Jimin, I have to talk to hyung about something." Taehyung said standing up and grabbing his ice cream.

Jungkook nodded and Yoongi and Tae walked away towards the rest of them.

"Guys, ever since that girl showed up again, Jimin has been acting differently. I'm not liking this one bit." Yoongi said.

"Wait! I have a plan!" Everyone turned their heads toward Hobi. "We need to make Jimin jealous, if he still shows no reaction then that it, I'm going to jump him."

"Yeah that's a good plan, but how are we gonna do that?"

"Simple, since Jungkook goes to school, he can befriend some people. Then we can tell his friends our plan and hope they accept doing some stuff." Hoseok explained.

They thought a moment before nodding. "Yeah I think this is the only way we can try getting Jimin's attention."

"OOH! and if that doesn't work, let's make Jungkook avoid Jimin completely."
They nodded again. "Let's just hope this works.", "Let's also pretend that we don't know anything."

They looked towards the two still on the playground, Jungkook desperately trying to get Jimin's attention but failing.

"Jungkook sweetie, come here, we don't want you to get dirty!" Jin yelled, and Jungkook came running over.

They watched as Jimin slowly stood up and walked towards them too.

"Come, sit." Hoseok patted his lap and Jungkook sat on it.

"I finished my popsicle." Jungkook gave the popsicle stick to Namjoon and he threw it away.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Koo asked looking up at Hobi.

"Maybe we should all hang out at Jin and Namjoon's House, watch a movie or something."

"Sure, but what movie?" He asked again.

"I know all of you like anime, especially you Tae, so why not watch Ponyo?" Jin suggested. They all nodded, stood up and walked to their car, Jimin following behind.


"NAMJOON, GO MAKE SOME POPCORN!!" Jin shouted from the couch.

"WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE TO DO THINGS FOR YOU GUYS?!" Namjoon sighed and got 6 bags of popcorn. "This will take a while..."

"Jungkook come here. I wanna cuddle..." Jimin said and Jungkook giggled sitting on Jimin's lap. The boy wrapped his arms around Koo's waist and tucked his face in his neck. "yah Jimin, don't make me too hot or I'll melt!"

Everyone else watched with wide eyes.
"Is anyone else seeing this?" Hoseok whispered to the others. "You idiot, we have eyes too, of course we see it!" Yoongi said and Hoseok glared at him.

Soon Namjoon came with the big bowls of popcorn, he gave Jungkook ice cream. "That smells and looks good!! I can't try it though..." Jungkook pouted "There's such thing as caramel popcorn." Jimin said kissing Jungkooks cheek.

"What's that?"

"Oh its popcorn, with no salt or butter, just caramel... I think"

"Ooh! I wanna try!!"

"I'm pretty sure we have some in the cabinet, if not then I'll quickly go get some." Jimin said, he moved Jungkook to the side so he could get up and walked to the kitchen, Jungkook followed behind.

"Welp, we don't have any. I'll go to the store okay? You can start the movie without me, I won't take long." Jimin kissed Jungkooks forehead and walked out the door.

"Someone's gotta follow him..." Taehyung whispered. "Yeah, but that's kinda invading privacy." Jin said. "Anyways, Taehyung why don't you go. You already watched Ponyo."

Taehyung huffed and stood up. "I think I left something important at my house" with that Taehyung ran out the door.


(un edited)


Chapter 21: ✅

Wow lots of stuff is gonna happen, but the worst isn't even here yet.

Sorry for the short chapter

YALL BETTER VOTE. I only have a few votes in rn. If I dont have enough, then I'll choose the next story myself.

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