Jeremy vs Michael Part 3

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The Cafeteria, next day. On a table are seated Jake, Jeremy, Jared, Rich, Michael, and Connor. The school is assembled before them. A large sign saying "Jeremy VS. Michael" hangs above them

Jared: Okay, so, just to set the record straight, but not entirely, here, the fight will be happening outside in the parking lot at 3:30. Jeremy just weighed in at 115 pounds, Michael at 125.

Rich: We will now take quesitons!

J.D.: How long do you expect the fight to last?

Jeremy: I uh...

Jake: Covers Jeremy's mouth However long Jeremy wants it to last!

The students laugh

Jared: Look, make no mistake. Jeremy has been ready for this fight since day one. He doesn't even view it as a challenge!

Jake: In fact, Michael's gonna be the one viewing it as a challenge when he's getting his ass kicked!

Rich: Hup. Did you hear that? It sound like some diarrhea coming out of someone's mouth or something.

Jared: Shut up, Short ass!

Rich: Don't call me short ass, you son of a bitch!

Rich jumps on Jared, and they start fighting. Jake and Connor soon join in, leaving Jeremy and Michael looking at them

Brooke: Wow. Jeremy and Michael really hate each other, huh? This should be a good fight.

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