Chapter 1

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Shadows been on a mission for three weeks now, and he finally finished the mission, GUN is giving him a break until they need him again. Shadow was happy to be off from GUN, now he can sit at home and relax, at least  he thought.

"Thanks for the ride Rouge, I'll see you later." Shadow said as he go out of Rouges car.

"No problem, you make sure to relax and get some rest, if you text me and I don't answer I'm probably with Knuckles, see ya later handsome." Rouge said, as she waved her hand.

Shadow waved back and waited until she was out of sight to make sure she was safe, once she was he finally gone, walked to his door. He unlocked his door as quick as he could and ran in at full speed, he was about to jump on his couch, but he quickly stopped when he realized a mini blue hedgehog was sitting on his couch looking confused.

"What- how did Classic Sonic get here?" Shadow said, as a light blush raised on his face.

Classic Sonic looked at Shadow and shrugged.

"I should get you to Tails, he will know what to do." Shadow said, as he was about to pick up Classic Sonic.

Classic Sonic shook is head rapidly, as he jumped off the couch and ran up the stairs.

"Hey! Get back here!" Shadow yelled, as he ran up the stairs.

They both ran around chasing each other for the next few hours, Shadow finally gave up and sat on the couch.

"Never mind then." Shadow sighed, as he watched Classic Sonic run away.

Classic Sonic realized he wasn't being chased anymore and raised a brow. He decided to check where Shadow was, so he want into the living room to see Shadow sitting to the couch.

"How do you have so much energy?" Shadow groaned, as he sat lazily on the couch.

Classic sonic shrugged and went to the couch and sat by Shadow.

"Do you know how to write?" Shadow asked, sitting up from the couch.

Classic Sonic nodded.

"If I gave you a pencil and paper, will you write down how you got here?" Shadow asked.

Classic Sonic nodded, as he gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, follow me."Shadow said, as he started to walk towards his desk.

Classic Sonic nodded and followed Shadow.

Shadow grabbed a piece of paper and and pencil and handed it to Classic Sonic.

"Okay now do you mind telling me how you got here?" Shadow asked.

Classic Sonic nodded, and ran to the nearest table to write. Once he was finished, he ran back to Shadow and handed him the paper.

'There was a portal, I jumped through it and it brought me here, I thought maybe your Sonic, or someone was in danger, but I guess not.' Shadow read.

"How long have you been here?" Shadow asked.

Classic Sonic showed him two fingers.

"Two days?" Shadow asked.

Classic Sonic nodded.

"Did you eat?" Shadow asked.

Classic Sonic nodded, and pointed towards the kitchen, where you could see left over chili dogs.

"Oh, I didn't even know I had the supplies to make chili dogs. Sense I'm sure you slept on the couch, I'll show you the guest room" Shadow said, as he started to walk off.

Classic Sonic nodded, and started to follow Shadow up the stairs.

The guest room was right nexts to Shadow room, it wasn't that big of a room but it was good enough for Classic Sonic.

"Here, you can sleep here, I'll be in my room if you need me." Shadow said, as started to walk out of the room.

Before he could leave, Classic Sonic ran up to Shadow and hugged his leg, not letting go.

"Common, it's getting late." Shadow said, as he tried to shake him off his leg.

Classic Sonic shook his head, and pointed at Shadows room.

"Your not sleeping in my room." Shadow said, as he shook his head.

Classic Sonic pouted, as he kept squeezing Shadow leg.

"Fine!" Shadow yelled.

Classic Sonic jumped off Shadows leg and ran into Shadows room.

Shadow walked in, and took a blanket off the bed.

"I'm sleeping in the guest room then." Shadow said, as he started to walk off.

Classic Sonic pouted again, and ran after Shadow and jumped back on his leg, and pointed at the bed.

"Are you serious? I'm not going to share a bed with you." Shadow said, as he tried to get him off his leg.

Classic Sonic pouted again, squeezing his leg tightly.

"Fine, but don't lay on my side of the bed." Shadow growled, as his leg went a little numb.

Classic Sonic let go, and ran back into the bed.

Shadow sighed and laid next to classic Sonic, imagining Rouge making fun of him.

"Goodnight, lil Sonic." Shadow said, before they fell asleep.

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