Chapter 16//Part two

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Shadow Chaos Control to Eggmans lab, he knew he didn't have much energy but it was worth wasting it so he could help Sonic.


"We need to clean up this mess!" Sonic yelled, as he started wiping up Eggmans blood.

"Calm down, Sonic just tell me what happened!" Shadow yelled, as he took the cloth out of Sonic hand.

"I-I got carried away, and let him come out..." Sonic muttered.

"Sonic, out of anyone I know, you know especially it isn't right to kill someone no matter what they did." Shadow said, as he handed the cloth back to Sonic.

"Yes it was Shadow! Don't you get it? He hurt you, what was I supposed to do? Let him get away with it!" Sonic said, as he franticly wiped up the blood.

"I could of token care of it myself!" Shadow growled.

"And what? Get caught again?" Sonic growled back.

"I wouldn't have got caught and-"

"YES YOU WOULD OF, AND IM NOT GOING TO TAKE THAT CHANCE BECAUSE I-" Sonic paused, and stared blankly at Shadow.

Shadow raised a brow, not understanding what Sonic was going to say.

"Let's just finish cleaning." Sonic said, as he continued wiping the blood off the floor.

Shadow nodded, as he helped clean up the blood.
(Sonics Pov)

I'm such a idiot, I almost told him. That would of been the most romantic place to tell him, next to a dead body, that I killed. He's probably not gonna want to date me after I killed someone, but it was worth it.

We finished cleaning the blood and buried Eggmans body next to his lab.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you in there, I understand why you did it, I just wish you didn't." Shadow said, as we walked away from Eggmans lab.

"Don't be sorry, it was my fault." I sighed, as I looked over at Shadow.

Shadow looked down towards his shoes, and played with his inhibitor rings.

"I guess I won't find out how he got those robots." Shadow sighed, as a small tear rolled down his face.

"Is that why you went there in the first place?" I asked.

"Yes, those robots are from the ark, from when I was-" Shadow paused, and sighed. "It doesn't matter."

Shadow continued looking down, I felt so bad for him, maybe this was the right moment to tell hi-

I felt a breeze next to me, looked over and Shadow was gone, where did he go?
(Shadows Pov)

Sonic was spaced out, it looked as if he was thinking about something. As that was happening, I heard something crying, It almost sounded like a-

"KITTY!" I yelled, as I ran up to the kitty. She was beautiful, she had emerald green eyes like Sonic, and black fur, like mine.

Heh cute...

Cats are my weakness, I guess you could say.

I picked up the cat and looked for a name tag, but there wasn't one.

"Your so adorable." I said, as the kitty purred into my chest hair.

I giggled softly, as it kinda tickled me.

"Shadow?" Sonic called out."

"I'm right here!" I yelled back.

Sonic ran up to me, curious of what was in my hands.

"A cat?" He asked.

"Yes a cat! Isn't she adorable." I said, as I pet the cat gently.

"I'm more of a dog person."

"Dogs are gross."

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 |𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥| (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now