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To be honest, I'm somewhat amused my story is already automatically rated PG-13. It's not surprising to me, but I'm finding it funny. Wattpad knows what's up.

Natsu's POV

"Thank you very much, Captain Obvious. I'll have you know, I can read," my narrowed eyes shot up to look Gray square in the face.

"Wow, I never would have guessed," He fired back snarkily.

"Natsu, where'd you put the- oh, what's that?" Lyon cut in chirpily, striding over to where we stood. "You made a bucket list?"

"It seems so," I nodded, crumbling the paper in a tight ball, about to put it in the trash bag I was holding when Gray snatched it out of my hand.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I asked, giving him an incredulous look. Gray shrugged meagerly and unfolded the paper.

"You should try to complete it. Kinda seems cool, you know?" He suggested, reading it more closely this time. I attempted to take it away again when he held it high in the air, where I couldn't reach it, even if I jumped. "I bet your inner self really wants all these things. They say your true personality comes out while drunk."

"That is total bullshit!" I cried, scrambling for the paper.

"Come on," Gray begged, voice dropping to a softer tone. Stunned, I stopped struggling on my tiptoes and paused. "Here, I'll help you with it."

"I don't even know you," I pointed out level-headedly. "How do I know you're not some creep?"

"You've been in my house the past two hours," Gray argued. "If anything, you're the creep here. And you know we go to the same school, right? It's not like we're living on opposite sides of the planet."

"Well, we should be," I finalized, taking the paper out of his hand and stomping away towards the exit. I was done with this kid. I didn't even know why I stayed here for so long. The alcohol must've affected me more than I'd thought.

I reached the front door and was about to pull it open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around and glared murderously at the owner of the hand. "Leave me alone," I spat.

"Don't you want to live a little?" Gray asked desperately. "Do something adventurous?"

I stopped. For some reason, that really hit me hard. My life was pretty boring and standard. Nothing really seemed... Interesting anymore. Maybe... Maybe Gray was right. Who knows? Maybe it'd be fun.

"Okay," I sighed. "I'll try. But, I swear to God, it better not be lame."

Gray whooped in delight. "Great! So, first thing on the list, get a makeover," Gray's eyes left the paper and raked up and down my body. Self-consciously, I wrapped my arms around my torso. "Yeah, I can see that. Let's see- you've kinda got that indie-pop-blogging-boy style going on- that'll have to go."

"I like my style, thanks," I pushed my glasses up confidently.

"Lyon! Is Sherry's Salon still open?" Gray called to the kitchen. "Or is she on maternity leave or something?"

"She had her baby two years ago, Gray. Way to keep up," Lyon replied sassily. Gray kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes, grinning at me.

"My brother's ex has a salon at the mall. We'll get you new clothes there too, okay?" Gray offered. "Here, give me your phone."

Hesitating slightly, I put the device in his hand. He tapped the screen a couple times. "I put my number in. Text me whenever. Oh, and meet me at the mall tonight at 5 by the food court."

The Drunk List [Gratsu]Where stories live. Discover now