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A/N: I still can't remember the fanfiction idea x( Kinda pissed about that... I bet it was genius.

Update: I remembered. It is genius. ;) But of course, you'll have to wait until I finish this to find out.

Natsu's POV

In hindsight, I probably should've guessed I'd wake up by myself the next morning.

I also should've realized I'd acquire a nasty crick in my neck.

"Crap," I hissed, rubbing the back of my sore neck, groggy from just waking up. My mind immediately realized Gray wasn't here in my secret room, and my first thought was to panic. I felt like one of those wasted girls used at a party- sore, confused, and angry.

Except, you know, nothing happened.

I fumbled around for my phone, which was conveniently located in my pocket. The time read 8 am, meaning I had slept about seven hours in that horribly uncomfortable position.

I was going to be sore for the rest of my life, I thought irritably as I scaled down the ladder and entered my room. I glanced at my bed, duvet pulled back from where I was reading before Gray decided to pop in for an unexpected visit, and wondered if I should go back to sleep or not.

Deciding against the idea, I left my room, still in my fuzzy plaid pajamas, and wandered down the marble stairs into the kitchen, where my mom was working on her computer. She was dressed in a simple t-shirt and rolled-up khaki shorts, an outfit I was not used to seeing her wear, even if it was growing warmer outside.

"Natsu! You left your bathroom light on last night," Grandine said to me, eying me though her thick-lensed glasses frames.

"Good morning to you too, Mother," i grumbled back, opening the fridge and pulling out a half gallon of orange juice. "I slept wonderfully, thanks for asking."

"Someone's mister cranky this morning," Grandine commented bemusedly. "What are you doing up at this time anyway? Usually you're asleep until two in the afternoon."

I shrugged, gulping down the juice straight from the tub. "Didn't feel like going back to sleep, I guess," I answered. It technically was the truth, I just didn't explain it all.

"Who knocked on the door last night?" Grandine asked monotonously, making me pause in my tracks, staring at her like a deer in headlights.

"Oh, my friend, Gray," I brushed it off as smoothly as I could manage.

"Why was he coming over at eleven-thirty at night?" Grandine pressed on suspiciously.

"I don't know, Mom. He's kinda crazy in the head," I shrugged. Okay. That part was definitely true.

She seemed to accept that answer and returned to look at the files on her computer. "Do you remember what today is?" She asked.

"No..." I trailed off. Crap, was it her birthday? No, that was three months ago. Dad's? No, that's next month.

"The company's all-day nature way festival is today!" Grandine looked back at me, surprised. "How could you forget?"

"Oh, sorry," I bit my lip furiously. "Honestly, I've had so much going on lately, I forgot."

"Well, I'd like it if you were there. Oh- you should bring Sting. He's such a darling."

"I'll pass on the message," I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking. "When does it start?"

"It's from 9 in the morning to 9 at night. The picnic lunch is at 12, and dinner is at 7. We're leaving at 8:45 to pick up Chelia at her house, then we're off to the gardens."

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