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Hey! So I thought I'd give back to my readers a bit, so I'm going to start dedicating chapters. The dedication for the next chapters will go to the funniest commenters that are relevant to the story. So the comment that makes me laugh the hardest will get a dedication for Chapter 5! 

I'm going to dedicate in Friendzoned as well, but it won't be for funny comments, but just whenever I feel like it. :) Thanks everyone, and happy commenting!

Natsu's POV

"It's that time of year again, students! That's right... assessments!"

Those simple ten words made my heart shatter and feel sick to my stomach. God, I hated assessments. I  thought they were stupid and pointless- it's like a random drawing of your knowledge! Maybe you studied for hours but for some reason, you didn't cover what was on the test and boom- you failed. What if you're having an off day?

They don't care. They just expect you to regurgitate knowledge onto a scan-tron cards using only #2 pencils.

I felt impending doom crash over me like a thunderstorm, worsening my mood for the day. It was bad enough I still was getting headaches from drinking so much this weekend, but also the fact that waking up at 7 am on a Monday should legitimately be considered illegal.

I watched with regretful eyes as Ms. Winters scribbled out Common English Assesments in blueberry-colored marker on her scrubbed spotless whiteboard. 

"The tests will be this Thursday and Friday. On your chosen day, you will show up in the library on time and be prepared with two sharpened, number two pencils. Those who are testing on the other day have a free period. I'm passing around a clipboard for you to sign up for a testing date," Ms. Winters explained excitedly, her passionate tone masking the horrific instructions.

The clipboard was first passed to Jellal, who was in the corner of the room. The desks were shaped in clusters, six clusters of four or five. My cluster included two people I didn't really know and a girl named Lucy, who was sweet and pretty cute. She really liked books and aspired to be a novelist someday, which I admired.

The clipboard slowly made its way around the room, and when it got to me, I clicked my pen, debating on which day to pick. I looked up and my eyes met Gray, who mouthed 'Thursday' at me. I nodded inconspiciously. Up the list, Gray's name was under the same column. 

I rolled my eyes. Of course. I wrote my name down and passed the sheet to Lucy.

"New look?" She guessed, staring at my outfit, eyes travelling up to my hair. I offered her a half smile and rolled my eyes. "It suits you."

"It was kind of a dare, per say," I explained to her. Lucy shrugged, as if to say 'what can you do', and wrote her name under Friday as well. "And thanks," I thanked her honestly.

"No problem. I'm Lucy," The blonde girl named Lucy held out her hand. I shook it with my own.

"Natsu," I responded.

After everyone had signed up for a testing date, Ms. Winters began to explain the procedures for testing and announcing we'd be reviewing in class the next two days. She strongly suggested for us to study on our own or with a friend outside of class, and Gray and I shared a look. I knew what he was thinking.

He sort of made it obvious yesterday at the mall.

"Why's he staring at you?" Lucy leaned in closer to me, an unreadable expression crossing over her face. "You guys dating?"

"Ha!" I chortled, probably louder than I should've. Ms. Winters glared at me condescendingly, and I shrank down in my seat. At least Gray looked amused. "No, we aren't," I hissed at her. "He's just going to help me study."

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