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Dedication to @MistySoul because she was extremely distracting as I wrote this and for thinking of han-words with me. I got a bit hannoyed but it was okay because I'm putting mini-hangst in this and you'll probably hunt me down like hanimals afterwards.

I need to stop.

Natsu's POV

Thursday // 10:30 AM

I'd love to the carnival with you! Taylor had finally texted me back around the middle of my second period class the next day. I snuck my phone out under my desk, face lighting up when I read the message. Should I meet you there?

I'll pick you up around 5, so no worries! I responded, happy to drive her to the date. I shifted in my seat, slightly nervous about the idea of going on a date again. It also didn't help that next period I was going to be taking my huge English assessment, either.

Overall, I was an uneasy, perturbed mess.

The bell rang, releasing us from Science and I hesitantly left the language hall and made a quick detour, finding Gray's second period math class. We had previously planned to walk to the library together so we wouldn't look like losers walking alone.

"You look like you're ready," Gray nodded off to me. I scoffed at his obviously-sarcastic remark, his childness setting me at ease for a moment or two.

"I mean, I studied for, like, three hours last night. It's not like I don't know what I'm doing, but I still feel like I'm going to fail," I explained, not really making much sense to myself. 

"I don't get you," Gray shook his head. I shrugged, figuring that was a good thing.

When we got to the library, the half of the class that signed up for this day were sitting around the groups of tiny wooden tables and chairs. Lime green sticky notes told us where our assigned seat was, and I immediately noted it was in alphabetical order. 

Since Gray was an F and I was a D, and since there were only about fifteen of us in the room, we were pretty much bound to be at the same table, and that benefited us for chatting afterwards. And by chatting, I mean matchmaking planning.

Sure enough, Gray was right across from me. Two girls who I didn't know that well, both with E last names, were also at our assigned table. I immediately took out my flashcards and briefed them over, using the last five minutes or so to stick some eleventh-hour information fresh into my head.

Looking up from my 'monoglot' vocabulary card, I saw Gray was mindlessly scrolling through his phone. I began to internally fume, wondering why the hell he was so calm. Why wasn't he using this golden time to prep for an important test that would affect his life forever? Was he really that perfect at everything that he would scooch by with an easy A?

I began to doubt myself, feeling my world come crashing down on me. What if I don't make an A on this? Screw the drunk list, this is my future! I have to do well or I'll be a smelly hobo for the rest of my life!

I may have been greatly exaggerating, but it still wouldn't leave my mind. I hated myself when I got self-conscious and bashful over things. Me and being insecure about myself was a recipe for disaster.

When we were asked to put all cellular devices off and all study materials away and out of reach, I felt my heart pounding out of my chest. But somehow, the easy smile that Gray flashed me gave me a rush of confidence, and I knew I'd be okay.

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Friday // 11:25 AM

Waiting was hell when your life was hanging on what was about to come.

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