twenty one

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A/N: What's 9 plus 10?

Natsu's POV

"So tell me," Laxus drawled, the smirk on his pig-like face twisting. "How was your little date with Fullbuster?"

He towered nearly a foot over me, and I had to crane my neck to meet his eye. I narrowed my eyelids and clenched my teeth menacingly.

I felt a lump in my throat, but I refused to gulp it down. The stinging pain in the small of my back burned as I fired back. "Wonderful, thanks. Good to know you're still too unattractive to score a catch of your own."

Laxus' face scrunched into something that resembles a scowl.

"I mean really, you'd think by now you'd find someone who was attracted to ape-like humans," I continued on loudly, grinning when I knew I was making a scene. From all around, people were whispering and flocking to see the commotion.

"Shut up!" Laxus swung his fist at me. I ducked sharply and he almost slammed his fist into the metal lockers but he yanked it away just in time. I took a step to the side, crossing my arms.

"So while we're catching up," I tapped my forefingers together absentmindedly, pretending it wasn't totally amusing that Laxus was already seething and I had only been jabbing at him for thirty seconds. "I was wondering if you had any suggestions on my prom dress. Do you think an ivory or cream shade of fabric would go better with my skin tone?" I touched my cheek dramatically.

Laxus started to belt with laughter. "God, you cannot be serious. Just how gay are you? People like you need to rot in hell!!" He took a step forward, and I sensed he was about to swing again, because his fists were shaking with absolute abhorrence and disgust.

"People like me? Oh, you mean totally normal people?" I gasped, placing my hand over my heart. "Why ever would we go to such a sinful place as hell?"

"Because faggots deserve to painfully rot there," Laxus seethed.

I felt myself being pushed past my breaking point. One more push, just one more, and I'd cut the funny-guy act and unleash my metaphorical claws. But I remained calm and collected, still continuing to smile. "That's nice. So um, let me ask you something," I said calmly. Laxus looked confused and angry, and I almost laughed at how unbelievably dumb he was. However, I liked the way my face arranged, and wasn't looking for a change anytime soon.

"Next time before you come by trying to push me around, could you brush your teeth first?" I wafted the air with my hand. "Because the lovely scent of horse shit and beef jerky and is still there."

I was right. Laxus yelled in anger and embarrassment and dove at me, punching left and right. He hit me square in the stomach, thankfully missing my floating ribs. The wind was knocked out of me and I felt my legs stagger, but I continued to stand, holding my arms over my face in a crossed fashion.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay! No amount of punching will knock it out of me!" I yelled hysterically, voice mildly blocked by my arms. "Keep going! It won't do a fucking thing!"

Next thing I knew, the punching stopped and Laxus was being pulled off of me. "Hey! Hey! Break it up!" I heard someone yell. I lowered my hands when I felt it was safe and my math teacher, Mr. Clive, was between us, hands grabbing Laxus and holding him back. "What happened?" Mr. Clive demanded.

"I didn't do anything, sir," I said softly. "He just started to attack me."

"Why on earth would he just come up and attack you?" Mr. Clive said with utter surprise. Did teachers really turn that much of a blind eye? Because he's a bully, for fuck's sake. When I didn't answer, he clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Okay, come with me, Laxus. Natsu, get to the nurse's office. And to the rest of you!" He turned to the thick crowd. Hmm, I hadn't really noticed them. "Get to class! Teenagers," He mumbled under his breath grumpily.

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