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Dedication to Gajevy because she's super excited about the hinted Gajevy/GaLe in this chapter and it inspired me to write quickly :)

Y'all don't even know how much fun it was to write this chapter. Like, literally, my heart was pounding happily as I typed this. I hope it doesn't cut off like the last two chaps.

Above/right is what Rogue looks like in this story. :)

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Natsu's POV

After I got home that night, I had worked up the courage to put our plan into action. Operation Get Sting and Rogue Together, Gray had dubbed it.

I pressed the call button on Sting's contact and held the phone up to my ear, waiting for him to pick up. For good measure, I took some deep breaths to calm my nerves that were unusually shaky. I actually didn't get nervous that often. I was pretty good at remaining outwardly confident.

"Hey, it's me," I announced when he answered his phone. I flopped back-first on my bed, staring at my ceiling.

"Hey, me. What's up?" Sting replied cheekily. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" I asked, deciding to cut right to the chase. I kicked my legs in the air and rolled to be on my stomach. For some reason, being on the phone made me do random things while people were talking. Why, I would never know.

"Hah. You know that I'm never busy. No social life, remember?" Sting responded, laughing. "Why?"

"Well, one of the items on my drunk list is go to a concert, and Gray invited us to go to one. He's friends with all of them, so it's free if we're his plus one," I explained briefly, choosing to leave out anything regarding this Rogue person.

"That sounds cool. But wouldn't that be a plus two?" Sting inquired.

"Whatever, smart-ass. You in or not? It's tomorrow night around 7. Gray's picking me up. you just gotta walk over here beforehand, since he doesn't know where you live," I offered, hoping I sounded relatively normal and Natsu-y, which wasn't a word, but I was hereby making it one.

"Okay, I'm in," Sting said, sounding relatively comment.

"See you at school," I replied before hanging up and dropping my phone on my pillow, smirking at the sky. He has no idea what's coming, I thought maliciously. I just hope Gray's right about all of this.

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"Are you excited?" I asked Sting the night of the concert, taking note of his every reaction. Tonight was when I would find out if he was lying or not and I was jittery, to say the least. Afterwards, I had invited him to sleep over, so he had all his things up in my bedroom.

Sting looked up from his phone, giving me a confused look. "Uh... I guess so? I mean, I'm meeting Gray for the first time and seeing the gig will be fun, but there's no need to get pumped, so no."

I looked at him in morbid shock, forcing a nod. "That was the most un-dramatic answer you've ever given me in your life," I commented, genuinely surprised. Sting just scoffed and looked at his phone.

"Well, what about you? Excited for your hot date with Gray?" He teased.

You're the gay one, not me, I thought sarcastically. "It's not a date. That literally makes no sense... but yep, I'm excited," I answered. Sting nodded.

I read over my recent text from Gray again. He was apparently really excited we were coming because the band, Clockwork Shadow, was really nervous about performing and us being there was going to give them a bit of confidence, I guessed.

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