twenty two

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A/N: I really want to wrap up this story soon but there are so many things left to do and uGH WHY DID I DRAW THIS STORY OUT SO MUCH I JUST WANT TO GET TO THE SCENE ALREADY

Dedication to @Sasukeee-kun for your BOSS HKC ENTRY I LOVED IT plus that makoharu icon doe

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9:44 AM

Gray's POV

Okay, Gray, I commanded myself sharply. I know you're painfully in love with this boy and a mere hand-holding sends you into a frantic tizzy, but pull yourself together. Stop being so lame.

I felt my cheeks flood with warmth as his hand squeezed mine tighter in his dreamland state. Natsu had bags under his eyes, like he hadn't been sleeping well recently, but he had a sleepy smile on his face, and it was so cute that it was physically painful to watch. There was a pulling, reflexive urge to lean down and place my lips softly on his forehead, surely he wouldn't find out, it'd be completely-

"Hi, is that Natsu Dragneel?" A lady's voice asked from the doorway. I jolted my head sharply to look at her. She had pastel pink and pistachio green nurse's scrubs on, white sneakers, and blonde hair in a ponytail. "I'm Nurse Jackie."

"Hi," I waved, pulling myself into a standing position. I forgot Natsu had a death-grip on my hand and nearly tripped when I lurched back downwards. Nurse Jackie looked fairly amused, but she turned her eyes away, staring at her clipboard.

"Since Natsu's asleep, can I ask you a couple questions about what happened?" She requested. I nodded, currently yanking my hand of Natsu's.

"Sure," I agreed when my hand was finally free. It was squeezed white, but color returned when I shook it out. I took a seat on the chair across from her and waited as she stared at her clipboard.

"What exactly happened?" Nurse Jackie questioned.

"Natsu was attacked by a bully, who punched him in the stomach, but according to Natsu, it's his rib cage that hurts," I explained.

"Those are extremely fragile and it's likely that one of his floating ribs could've broken," Nurse commented. I nodded calmly, feeling bad. I should've interfered, I knew I should've, but I also knew Natsu would've hated me forever by making him look weak and victimized, so I had forced myself to hold back and remained blended in the crowd.

Natsu sure did stand up for something he believed in, I thought proudly, remembering his list. There was another thing, checked off. I knew there weren't many things left, and we were coming to a close on our senior year.

Will everything work out in the end? I couldn't help but wonder. Will Natsu finish his Drunk List? Will we continue to be friends afterwards?

Will Natsu and I ever start a relationship?

I kept thinking about one of the list items, 'dance and kiss in the rain.' It's like it was crazy-glued to my brain, it wouldn't leave and it kept torturing me. Would he kiss me?

God, I want him to kiss me so bad.

"Thanks for your help. You can get back to class, when Natsu wakes up he'll probably be very tired and will go home for the rest of the day." Nurse Jackie told me. I felt slightly disappointed because I didn't want to leave his side, also since I promised to remain in here.

However, I couldn't just tell her a flat-out no, so I picked up my backpack, slung it over my shoulder, stared at Natsu for a brief second, and then left the room.

From down the hall, I could hear the principal and that asshat Laxus shouting. The principal was telling him something along the lines of "unacceptable behavior" and "a major disappointment". Knowing it'd be rude to intrude and eavesdrop on their conversation, I continued to walk away and left the main office, wondering if Natsu would be alright.

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