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I listened to creepy carnival music while writing this. To the side is carnival ride Gray and Natsu go on.

Gray's POV

In general, I liked to think of myself as a chill, happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

But when things rub me the wrong way, I hold it in for as long as I can, but when I can't control myself anymore, I'll word-vomit everywhere. And just like the mental image you're getting from that analogy, the result is never pretty.

"But why her? Why the girl who simply took his money at an ice cream parlor? He doesn't even know her?" I complained, flopping backwards on my bed and glaring at my bedroom ceiling. Unexplainable emotions were flowing inside of me, rendering me moody and confused. I always thought I read through things like this and how the world worked, but when it came to myself, I was groping around blindly in the dark. 

"I just don't understand why you're getting all worked up over this," Rogue muttered in a dry, monotone voice, texting on his phone and not bothering to look up. I was used to his cold, reserved side, however, and it didn't really bother me anymore. We clicked because I was a talker and he was a listener, kind of like north and south points of a magnet. "I mean, leave the guy alone. He's eighteen, let him make his own decisions."

"But still," I whined, elongating the 'i'. "I wanted to go with him."

"Interesting words coming from a straight guy who's already in a relationship," Rogue clashed, just as my phone buzzed from my desk. "Speak of the devil, that's probably her," He nodded off to the ring of the device, sounding pleased and cocky.

"It is not," I defended, jumping off my bed and crossing my tidy room to check the notification. I saw Juvia's name pop up and I kept a straight face, sliding into my desk chair and opening the message.

Lots of kids are going to the carnival Saturday night... we're going together, right? The message read. I could sense the urgency and obsession in the words, and knowing I'd probably regret this, I typed a hasty reply in agreement, not as excited as I thought I'd be.

"Was it her?" Rogue asked dully.

"Yeah," I nodded. "She asked to go to the carnival with me tomorrow," I explained, knowing he already figured that much out already, because I was an open book when it came to things like this.

"Figures. You know, the vibe that I'm getting from you seem bored of her," Rogue finally looked up from his phone, staring at me seriously. "Like you like someone else," He continued slyly, raising his eyebrows as if to hint at something else.

I shook my head furiously. "If you're implying I like Natsu, I don't," I narrowed my eyes and moved to sit on my L-shaped couch in the corner of my room. "I'm simply excited about helping him with his bucket list."

"And why are you excited?" Rogue pressed. I hesitated to respond, not truly knowing the answer myself. "Exactly."

"Rogue, I'm not-!" Rogue cut me off with a flat look.

"Fine. Go on your carnival date with Juvia, and see how much you 'enjoy' it, then," He commanded, curling his fingers to make quotation marks. "There's nothing wrong with change, Gray."

"Stop being philosophical," I whined, feeling creeped out. I scooted over, peeking to check what he was doing on his phone. He had been typing on it all morning, face occasionally lighting up with bashful, rosy smiles. He immediately locked it, trying to play it cool. "Who're you texting? Oh wait, I bet I know already. Your favorite blondie," I smirked, knowing the tables had turned.

"Don't ever call Sting that again, I swear," Rogue blushed, pushing my face away angrily. I leaned back again like a coiled-up spring, probably resembling one, considering the bounciness.

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