twenty five

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The song Gray and Natsu dance to is on the side, and it's what inspired this chapter. Thank you for reading! <33

Gray's POV

I watched silently at Natsu as he stood in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom. I saw him smile at his appearance, because for once, he was genuinely happy about it. He fixed his tie by tightening it and he ran a hand through his hair nervously, nodding in approval.

For the past week, I've been helping Natsu with getting better. I eventually convinced him to open up more about the root of the problem with his parents, and they're researching compromises for meals that everyone can and enjoy and are healthy to eat. As for the rest of his insecurities, I suggested counseling or going to a therapist, and even though he was reluctant and frustrated, he eventually gave in. From what he told me, it was going well. He was learning to open up more and I could already spot an improvement in his happiness.

He caught me gazing at him and glared at my reflection. I pushed myself off the bed and stood behind him, resting my chin on his shoulder and looking into the mirror. Natsu's gaze flickered back to himself, and I saw his eyes flash over his stomach for a moment.

"You look wonderful," I admitted, wrapping my arms around his torso. I patted his stomach tenderly, smiling lightly. "I'm so proud of you, you know."

A vermillion blush coated Natsu's cheeks and he jumped away childishly. "Stop being so romantic," He whined, crossing his arms. "Does my tie look straight?"

"About as straight as you," I joked, chuckling. He huffed and adjusted it again. His tie was a cream color, funnily enough. He picked it out because he wanted to continue the joke he made at that asshat, Laxus, the other week. Speaking of the bully, he was suspended for three days and has been flying under the radar ever since he got back.

"Do I look okay?" He gestured to his torso when he seemed satisfied by the silk neckwear. "Not too ugly or something?"

"Most definitely not ugly," I promised him seriouly, taking his hand and kissing the back of his palm. "Come on, you look hot. Let's go- Rogue texted me saying they booked a limo and they'd be here to pick us up any moment," I pulled him towards the bedroom door. I didn't even bother to explain who 'they' was. It was Sting and Rogue, obviously. They were like a collective pair- you couldn't even conjure up a proper sentence without sticking them together.

"How did they manage to get a limo tonight?" Natsu asked with surprise as we bounded down the staircase. I slid my hand along the railing, watching my shined dress shoes to make sure I didn't trip and fall, because he knew he was prone to klutzy accidents and that didn't need to happen on an evening as important as this.

A flash of light and a snap temporarily blinded me, and I groaned when I saw my mother holding up her phone. "Jeez, mum," A groan passed my lips. "We aren't even down the stairs yet."

Mom took another picture before lowering the phone. I saw there were happy, prideful tears in her eyes. I rolled my eyes and scooted as far away from the camera as possible. I hated having my photo taken. I always looked like I hadn't slept in weeks or jacked up high on marijuana.

"Come on, it's customary to take a prom photo! You know this, boys," Natsu's mom explained, wagging her finger teasingly.

Natsu sighed dramatically. "If we must," He said sluggishly. I inched closer to him, protectively wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my head on his. Natsu wrapped his arms around me as well, fashioning us in an awkward half-side hug. I felt Natsu's steady heart beat against my chest and it reminded me that Natsu was still there, as crazy obvious as that sounded. With everything that's crashed down upon him lately, I've been so worried, but that sound of pumping of blood meant he's survived through it all.

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