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Dedication to @leviAnnlexi for her amazing Stingue one-shot she wrote for me! You all need to read it, like now.

Sorry I haven't been updating for, like... six days. I've had a lot to think about and such and I may or may not have been working on a 5sos fanfiction with my friend. Maybe this kind of eventful chapter will make up for it? *sheepish thumbs-up*

Natsu's POV

I think I've made this very clear before, but junk food is delicious.

Which is why I was practically drooling while our party of four was passing by sticky candy apples, popcorn, and miscellaneous fried candies and sweets.

"Why don't we stop and eat something...?" I suggested, even though I had just offered for us to go to the carnival games about two minutes ago. That's actually where we were walking- a strip of various funfair games that I'd be sure to win.

But those powdered, deep-fried, sugar-coated elephant ears were calling my name and it was serenading me to buy its overpriced goodness immediately.

"I don't see why we can't, since we're going to the games first and not the rides," Taylor, my date for the evening, well, at least I think it was a date, agreed with me. "The elephant ears look good."

"Exactly what I was thinking!" I snapped my fingers, leading her exuberantly towards a food stand. I immediately pulled out my wallet, ready to pay for my date. Taylor glared at me and shook her head, taking out money of her own.

"Nope," I pushed her hand away.

"Yes," She narrowed her eyes.

"No," I glared, smirking when she rolled her eyes up to the sky and begrudgingly put away her money. We quickly bought a large elephant ear each and immediately sank our teeth into them, moaning on contact.

Admist my thoughtful, bliss-filled chewing, I noticed Gray was not-so-subtly passing glances my way. He had a flash of longing in his eyes, and when he realized he was caught, he looked at his ice cream cone shyly. I bit my lip, looking at my shoes. It's not like I was stupid- I could see him staring at me all the time now. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that he liked me.

Which was pretty perposterous, if you asked me. He was dating Juvia.

After our extremely delicious pit stop, the four of us found ourselves in front of a ring toss game. I paid for 3 rings to throw and I stepped forward, sticking my tongue out in concentration. I felt like the whole world melted away, and it was only me, trying to circumscribe at least two of the bottlenecks with these cheap, neon-painted rings.

When I missed the first shot, I wasn't too fazed. These games were rigged anyway. However, a voice in the back of my head told me to keep trying, and win the major prize currently hanging to the side. I really liked the bright yellow duck, and I didn't really want to give it up, but the Drunk List was making me.

By a stroke of luck, I managed to ring my second toss by a millimeter. It spiraled around the empty bottle, making a very satisfying swishy sound. "Ha!" I exclaimed triumphantly, placing my hands on my hips. "This is easy!"

"You gotta ring one more, Natsu," Gray reminded me with a sickly-sweet tone, probably internally laughing over my possible future demise. I shot him a quick glare before getting into battle stance, because I was just that cool.

I lightly chucked the final ring in a spot I'd knew would work- the middle. It was bound to get snagged around one of the bottlenecks, considering there were so many. Pretty well spaced, too.

When it slid down the bottle, I whooped with joy, high-fiving Taylor, who was just as proud, clapping happily. The shady games man took down the stuffed duck, which I had so excitedly pointed at, and put it in my arms.

The Drunk List [Gratsu]Where stories live. Discover now