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Amari noticed 3 things as she awoke. She ached, everywhere. She had dirt in her mouth from where she laid sprawled along the ground and she was unbearably hot. 

Amari sat up as she sputtered and spat trying to get the dirt and foul taste out of her mouth. The sun had just risen to its full height and towered over her beaming its bright warm rays down, brutally. 

She gazed up at it with a sneer and then she looked arund. Her jaw dropped with shock when she realized she was in a forest or was it a jungle?. She couldn't be sure. It had a far more densely thick threes and vegetation that any forest she had ever seen, but it couldn't be a jungle. Amari had watched enough tv to know what a jungle should look like

"Where the hell am i?"

Just then she remembered Kevin, the lab, the the strange bright light and the pain and then there was nothing until she woke up here. Panic once again began to rise in her. What the fuck happened? What were they working on and Why was she here wherever here was?

A rustling nearby jolted her from her panicked thoughts and now a new type of panic began to set in. Slowly, predatorily a strange looking alligator type animal sauntered from the forest

Amari breaths seized as she watched the creature. It was at least 20ft long and something she had never seen before. It hissed and snarled at her

Slowly Amari rose to her feet and inched back. She couldn't die like this. She was too young. She had plans.  Plans to get her doctorate degree and maybe teach at a university. Plans to have children, get married.....Finish the final season of Homeland

Another hiss louder and far more threatening came from the creature and Amari decided she wouldn't stand there frozen in fear. if it wanted its meal she would make him work for it

she turned and charged through the woods

A harsh hiss followed and then it gave chase.  

Amari raced over fallen branches and through bushes and still the thing advanced.. 

She looked back just once and screamed in terror. It was gaining! Damn that thing was fast. Why couldn't she have four legs instead of these useless two.


Her fear caused her steps to falter and she tripped over a large rock hidden under a group of leaves. Amari stumbled and then hit the ground, roughly. She rushed to recover but it was too late the creature was already upon her

Amari  squeezed her eyes shut as it lunged for her

Suddenly 3 sharp arrows pierced the alligator looking monster, bringing it down dead at her feet. It laid lifeless as 5 figures moved from above and behind the trees surrounding her

Amari had not even known they were there. They walked toward her wearing strange loincloth looking skirts, made out of fur and some type of animal hide

They watched Amari as if she were as strange as the creature they just killed. two of the men grabbed the creature and began walking back through the trees

Were these natives? Maybe they would have access for her to reach home. Regardless Amari wanted to at least thank them for saving her life. How though? She didn't think they would speak English.

"Hi im Amari thank you so much for saving me i don't-"

"who are You?" The strange men demanded. His voice a guttural rasp and his tone harsh

"Who sent you here?"  another asked

Amari was stunned to learn they knew english

She smiled as she stood up

"You know English"

They tilted their head in confusion

"Angelash?" the third man repeated

"Yes. You just spoke it" She said curiously. How could they not know English but were speaking it. 

they watched her again for a moment longer than grew impatioent

"Who sent you hear Angelash?"

Ughh Amari thought frustrated.

then they began to quarrel amongst each other about her. Some she understood, but most made no sense

Raziks? Hariyul? Who and what were tohsoe things? 

Abruptly the three men each grabbed her and Began hauling her back into the same direction the other two had went

Again for what felt like the millionth time since she woke, panic laced her heart

"Where are you taking me?" She snarled Struggling and pulling away forcefully

The men holding her stopped growled lously in her face then one of them  threw her effortlessly over his shoulder

They marched unperturbed by her curses and anger.

whare are you taking me you bastards!

Amari paused at her words. Surprise and confusion filed her. She was not speaking English after all. Bastard was the same but the other words were foreign. It was like she just knew them even though she had never heard them before in her life. What the hell?

"To the Fazuk. Or chief for questioning"  another answered smiling at her plight

"You are tresapaasiin on Hariyul lands. The Fazuk will decide your punishment"

Punishment? Amari visibly shivered. Escape one danger to be brought straight to another. what was this shit on Amari day

She did not want to go receive punishment from the fazuk and she did not want to got back into those dangerous woods either. She just wanted to go home.

Tears began to gather in her eyes as she realized she was doomed either way

Maybe she could reason with the Fazuk guy. Play a damsel in distress. It always worked in romance novels. 

As the men trekked on and on getting closer to their presumed village, Amari couldn't help feeling like their was more going on then she realized and everything was about to change..........

Who can guess the creature who attacked Amari?




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