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The next few days Amari managed to avoid interaction with the Fazuk. She did her duties but refrained from being around him too long. A knot of guilt pierced her chest every time she looked at Ula. Surprisingly the Fazuk did not force her to do anything more than was her duty. Amari felt relief yet she missed him slightly. She repeadlty  pushed the emotion away,  However with each passing day watching him find relief with Yema, it became increasing difficult. 

Still she would fight her desires. Out of respect for Ula. 

Rumors were swirling that the Fazuk would be going back to battle in a few days and Amari worried for him. She wanted to convince him of another way. One that didn't involve bloodshed. But she had to admit she didn't know much about this time period nor how things worked. And even in modern times some things could only be solved by war.


Amari walked through each table pouring more fermented drinks to the rowdy men that night. She felt the Fazuk's stare as she did, though she pretended otherwise. The men were growing increasingly drunk as the hours passed. Some grew more bold and reckless with every cup. One reached out to stroke Amari' s arm. She gritted her teeth to stop herself from slapping the man for daring to touch her.

"Amari!"  the Fazuk's voice bellowed startling all in the room. Amari jumped and spun around. She looked at him and immediately recognized the anger in his dark eyes


 Amari hated being called like a dog but in the hopes to not have a verbal battle with him yet again,  she simply pushed down her fury and went to him

He pulled her closer, his mouth on her ear. She shivered with the feel of it remembering when those lips had been on her neck along with his skillful  tongue

"You do not allow anyone to touch you" he growled

She gaped at him incuriously. Did he seriously think she wanted strange men to grope and touch her?

"I didn't i was just doing my duty" she hissed back 

"You are to serve no one but me form now on" He said grumpily as he retook his seat

So they were back to that again. Whatever  Amari thought as she refilled his cup. She avoided Ula's probing gaze. They had not spoken since she caught them in the baths. Amari was too ashamed to face her. Yema sat nearby the Fazuk and Amari noticed her furious glare fixed on her, which she dismissed as usual.

Amari left to gather another pitcher of drink, but as soon as she returned, rounding the dining rooms entrance a hand shot out deliberately knocking it out of her hands. It spilled all over Amari's clothing soaking her through, then the pitcher shattered loudly  as it hit the ground.

Growling angrily she turned to confront the perpetrator . Yema  stood their smirking at Amari's  wet form. Amari lost her barely leashed temper and finally snapped

She slapped Yema across her face .the force of it stinging her hand

Yema fell dramatically wailing and holding her cheek. Amari glared at her with  disdain, wishing desperately she could do what she really wanted; which was to pound her face into the pavement

Amari watched as she ran up to the Fazuk screaming for justice. Amari saw Elka pale staring at her as the Fazuk stood up. He glared down at Amari.

"Hitting one of the Fazuk's women? She should be lashed my Fazuk!"  Yema screamed

A few of his men grumbled their agreement their eyes holding  equal fury

Lashed?!! Hell no! Amari panicked. She railed at the injustice of it all. It was ok for Yema to continually torment her simply because she opened her legs for the Fazuk? Ands what, she's supposed to just take it. Hell no!

"She needs to leave me be then she wouldn't get slapped"  she spat at Yema, "Look at my clothing!" Amari yelled angrily

"Hitting the one of my women is a grave offense"  The Fazuk sneered 

"I. do. Not. Care. If she wants to mess with me then she deserves it. I'm sick of her. And nobody says anything to her"  

Yema growled at Amari before she fixed a tearful gaze at the Fazuk

"My Fazuk she is disrespectful she should get 40 lashes. Then she will be far more obedient and amiable"

Amari paled again. She began to shake with fear. She would rather take her chances with the deadly animals in the surrounding forest than submit to lashes

Thinking quickly Amari decided to flee. She ran back to her room and began packing what little she had. Maybe she could find another clan to take her in. One more fair than this one

Just as she finished her door creaked open. Worried they had come to collect her for punishment Amari turned and readied herself for a fight.

The Fazuk stood at her door watching her. His eyes glanced at her packed bag and he raised an eyebrow in question

"You plan to leave"

Amari held her chin high

"Yes. If i cannot be treated fairly here then i will find a new clan who may treat me better"

The Fazuk's eyebrows furrowed with anger

"No other clan shall have you Zukia you belong to us..to me"

"I belong to no one. especially you, when you have your whore mistreating me constantly"

"I will deal with Yema. It was not my intention for you to feel mistreated among my clan"

Amari was shocked he apologized or what was his version of one. Her anger fled then but she remained wary

"Am i to be punished?"

"No my Zukia"

She wanted to grumble at the name he continuously called her but decided to pick her battles

Suddenly he walked closer. His large body dominating and filling up the small room. His scent all spice and hot man, made her head swoon with desire. He gently ran his hand down her face then her neck. Amari's breathing began to labor and she could fell herself losing the battle to resist him

"Beautiful" He whispered as he lowered his head. His lips feathered her rapid beating  pulse and Amari closed her eyes in bliss as she felt his warm tongue snake out  and lick at it. He hummed in appreciation at her taste.

Suddenly he yanked Amari to him slamming his mouth on hers with bruising force. Amari moaned loudly into him as she clutched him back just as tightly. Their grip on one another was punishing yet so intensely  safitfying. Amari wanted to never let him go

"Orion" he said panting when they broke away

"What?" Amari said lust still fogging her brain

"My given name is Orion".........................................

What do yall think about the rule that no one can touch the Fazuk women? There should be exceptions right?




Thanks for Reading!!!!!

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