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The next day Orion  stood within his war  room, the Levik Fazuk sat around his round table, along with a few of his own trusted men; listening inattentively  as Orion laid out all the plausible reasons  to attack the Razik clan with their joint force. Even with all the good points he made the Leviki Fazuk  seemed disinterested, It seemed for  the moment he arrived what his decision would be.

Orion struggled not to show his annoyance with the mans dismissive attitude,  but it grated on his nerves and he was not a male well  known for his patience

"What is the issue Fazuk do you disagree?" one of Orion's warriors asked 

"No" the Fazuk said shaking his head "i am only wondering why you wish to launch such an assault to reacquire one insignificant female"

Orion gritted his teeth so loud he was sure he chipped a tooth

"She is not a mere female. Sh-"

"O yes. she is your new prized whore" he spat hateful spite  infused in his tone

Orion stared shock in his eyes although his face remained stoic. It was obvious who had told him such. So much for Amari finding a friend in Ula. The woman was no friend to anyone but her own ambition. 

"She is not my whore Orion" growled "this so called insignificant female has the knowledge of a weapon far greater than that of the Razik. She is one we should not allow our enemy to possess. Furthermore the terms of our alliance has been met on my end. I am wed to your daughter, it is time for you to honor yours. You have sworn your aid whenever i required it"

"You are correct however my clans aid is for when in dire need,  not whenever you wish to retrieve a whore of a female who has been misplaced. she is not your bride she is no one. Although this new information warrants further consideration on the matter ill admit. A greater weapon you say?"

Orion fought the retort on his tongue. he truthfully loathe the Leviki Fazuk having access or even the knowledge of Amari's ingenious weapon, But he realized he needed  something to convince the man to lend his men for her rescue. And he was quiet willing to do anything to get her back.

"Yes. we have proof if you require it. we may even be willing to offer you a portion; if we secure your aid that is"

The Leviki Fazuk's eyes lit up with greed, interest and envy  even though he remained expressionless; feigning indifference

A long silence swept through the room, while Orion held his breath in nervous anticipation

Finally the Leviki Fazuk opened his mouth to accept but a deep rumble erupted within the cavern. Everyone froze listening intently to assure themselves there was not a threat when it happened again dislodging  rock from above;  As it crashed to the floor around them everyone quickly  sprinted into action

Hurriedly Orion bolted from the room surveying the area; attempting to ascertain what was the threat . the Razik was supposed to have retreated with Amari's sacrifice, so who could be attacking?

His men spread out after him searching  through the passageways, securing the people and defeating the threats as trained. Yet Orion felt frozen in place

When he finally moved, he charged down the halls furiously. Enraged that someone would dare attack his home. Rounding a sharp corner hastily, Ula slammed into his chest abruptly faltering his steps 

Her panicked filled eyes and blood splattered cheeks alarmed him. He quickly grabbed her attempting to spirit her away from the chaos. Another rumble rocked the foundation pitching both of them off their feet to the ground. Orion  covered  Ula with his large form as huge chunks of earth broke away and plummeted down from the vaulting. 

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