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Amari sprinted up the stairs following silently behind the invaders shadowing their footsteps.  

Hearing  the screams as the men ransacked the rooms and terrorized the females, Amari  contemplated what to do as she  came upon 3 warriors infilrtaing a particular room. Amari hid in the shadows of the torched lit halls and debated whether she should intervene.

Deciding that no mater if she felt ill will for these brutal unfriendly  people she could not allow them to be harmed. Especially at the hand so these  viscous men 

Amari charged at the man holding a fierce looking long sword as he snatched a woman out of her room. His friends heckled and cheered him on as the woman struggled and rebelled  against him

With a shrill enraged  bellow Amari jumped onto the offending males back and bit into his neck deep drawing blood

The man released the woman yelping in pain as he attempted to dislodge the crazed woman

Amari dug her nails that had long gone untrimmed into the opposite side of his neck and dug as if she were foraging  for gold

The man twitched and gurgled as his comrades recovered from their shock, they moved to assist but it was too late,  the man sputtered and  choked to death as he crashed to the ground lifeless

Amari stood staring savagely at the mans cronies in challenge. Her face covered in the offenders  blood her hands and face  dripping with it. They had never witnessed such a female. They decided she was a deity come to reap vengeance on their wrongful deeds.

Afraid the men stepped backwards, worriedly. Then abruptly they turned and  fled

Amari ran to the woman's side only to realize it was the Fazuk's betrothed, Ula. were they here for her?

"Are you alright?" Amari asked distraughtly 

"Thank you!" Ula said breathing through her panic

Just then two more warriors happened upon them, they glanced at  the dead man with widened eyes and sneered as they approached. 

Ula whimpered while Amari pushed  her forcibly  behing her. She  took up the dead  mans blade pointing it at the men threateningly. They laughed and advance toward them cleary unaffected   by her display

Amari jabbed lethally with their approach, the men jumped away stealthily as if it were all a game to them. What they didn't realize was to Amari it  was not. If she were to die it would at least be with a fight. All her life she had hoped that would be it. The way to go.

 Lonely, sad and unfulfilled   that was not the way she wanted it to end . Fighting, thriving, resisting those to her, were  worthy ways to go in her book

Amari watched attentively as One of the men lunged for Amari while  she shielded Ula. The man slashed at her right,  instinctively Amari pushed Ula away and pivoted to her left. she slashed into the mans  right side. the man moved to avoid her strike, but moved to late and the blade sliced deeply  into his torso.

He snarled with the pain and growled at Amari. She crouched then  steadied herself,  the bloodied blade sill clutched tightly in her grip

Suddenly a shrill call echoed though the hall. She watched as the men froze then speared her with a glare before  retreating . 

Amari expelled a breath of  relief,  She sagged to the floor as  Ula caught  her holding her steady

"Thank you"  she whispered reverently 


The Fazuk had been agitated ever since his return.  he despised  the fact that he wasn't hear when his clan had been attacked. He suspected that it was planned that way. But couldn't figure out how 

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