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Amari paced impatiently inside her meager room. Her mind racing and her hearts pounding. Fear so potent her hands shook with its force. Tears spilled consistently, as they had  for the last 2 months since she overheard the despicable plot of the Razik's and whomever was involved.

Amari needed to warn Orion. Tell him about the traitors among him. Plotting his demise, to end the war with his life. But she was trapped inside these  jagged dismal mountains of the Razik clan. This was her choice and she chose it without regret, but then Amari didn't know what she did now; Still she realized she never would have been able to uncover the truth had she not come here.

Even knowing this Amari did not feel any better


Amari stared at the ceiling as she laid on the thin mat they provided her as a bed. She sang a haunting tune about love lost , her thoughts on Orion as they were everyday since she left to save his life and end the war. 

The Razik Fazuk did not allow her out of the tiny room for any reason other than to relieve herself. All her meals were brought to the room, even a pail of water to wash with. Amari didn't complain. She repeatedly  told herself everyday that it was for Orion. For the clan they both loved

Amari had told the Fazuk what she needed to build her bombs for him. He always appeared  smug to have her there but Amari ignored his arrogance, because she knew for all his self assurance he was not smarter than her. Not even on his best day

However it was to her benefit to allow him to think so

Amari already knew he would likely not honor their agreement to cease the attacks on her clan. Despicable males like him rarely did. They held no honor. Their word meant shit. So she devised a plan of her own. She would make dozens of bombs but only make the ones he would want to use for demonstration active. The rest she would make as duds. 

The door creaked open and she didn't bother to glance at the guard who entered.  He was likely only delivering her meal. Or her weekly bucket of cleaning water. It was not yet that time of the day to relieve herself.

When he did not leave Amari quickly  grew annoyed. Snapping her gaze and glowering at the male, he straightened  and returned her  glare with fervor

"The Fazuk summons you"

Summons her? like I'm a fucking pet

Pushing down her indignation Amari got to her feet, Her back ached slightly from the hard ground she was forced to lay on everyday

The guard turned and walked away expecting her to follow. The magnitude of arrogance on these males in this clan was wholly staggering. Amari could not wait to knock them down a peg or two- or ten

She walked through the corridors attempting to memorize her surroundings. the first time she had been here; rescuing Orion she was too panicked to pay attention, but now she had nothing but time and the information could prove vital in the future

As they descended some crudely carved stairs a chorus of voices echoed off the dimly lit passageways. She was led into a grand room where long tables sat,  a eating hall much like Orion's. 

The Fazuk sat on a throne as crudely built as the stairs had been. He beamed at her presence. 

"AHH Here she is"  he declared cheerfully 

"Come my sweet sit beside me"

Amari narrowed her eyes at the man. What they hell was he playing at?  The guard beside her pushed her forward forcefully nearly making Amari trip. She spun and gave him her most evilest sneer but reigned in her urge to punch him lest she be punished for the deserved offense. She had to be cautious and think she reminded herself.

She moved slowly toward the empty seat beside the Fazuk aware but heedless of  every eye watching her. 

The Fazuk stood and guided her to the seat and Amari fought the bile that arose at his touch on her arm.

As she sat surveying the rowdy crowd before she couldn't help but compared them to her own clan. and they were without a doubt barbarians. They barely chewed their food before they were talking animatedly.  She could see the spit from it fly as they bellowed and guffawed at one another.

The sight turned her fragile stomach. She looked up at the Fazuk as he ate. He seemed a bit more refined but not by much. 

Amari  was confused as to why she was here. She wanted to return to the quiet solitude of her room, until the Fazuk began conversing with an elderly male beside him

"This woman is my treasure. She has a way to ensure we win this war"  he boasted as if he captured her and she had not surrendered herself. "Even better than our prized amour" He added with pride

Amari seethed inside and fought to hold her tongue. He was supposed to be stopping his assault instead he's bragging about what she would build for him, to use against her own clan. 

Over my dead body asshole!. 

Amari's  ears perked up even as she pretended  to be more interested in the food or the people. The fact that he spoke freely in front of her was a testament to that fact that he truly believed she would never be free.

"Will it be enough to destroy their Fazuk. We need him dead if we are to proceed". the man stated as if Orion's life were a mere inconvenience

The Fazuk laughed heartily

"We have someone already in his very clan to handle that i assure you. My informer has sent a message that he has wed the girl a full moon ago. He hopes to gain the Leviki's aid and rescue this woman. We await the news of his demise which i am confident shall receive any day now. Then we shall strike and claim victory. However, I can see why he wishes to reclaim her, she is rather enticing. Exotic and unique. Perhaps when i finish conquering the Hariyul clan i will take her for my own" . He said gripping Amari's  chin and lifting it to inspect her features. A look of reverence and appreciation crossed his face along with his words.

Yea when Elvis rises from the dead. Dickhead!

Amari snatched her face away from his claws. The sound of his  responding chuckle grated on her nerves like nails on a chalkboard. He went back to his food, picking up a piece of fruit and biting into it, completely unperturbed with her blatant  hatred for him. Amari barely suppressed the need to take the knife lying on the table before her and shove it deep in his wretched throat

She began to tremble with visible rage. Orion was in danger. Who was the traitor to dare betray him in his clan? Amari could not recall anyone displaying  anything but loyalty and deference.

Her heart plummeted with the other news that he had indeed went through with wedding Ula. Did he forget her so easily? No. the Fazuk had said he needed the Leviki's help to save her. He was trying to save her. She knew he had to wed Ula in order to gain their assistance. Still the news pierced  her heart and her chest ached with worry, yet Amari remained stoic throughout the entire meal she was forced to endure.

It wasn't until she was finally  deposited back into her small room that she allowed her tears to escape, shrouding her in a thick cloud of desolation

A broken sob escaped her lips when she thought of him dying. Did he hate her for leaving? She wondered. Would he die with hate for her in his heart? The thought cut her worse than anything she had ever felt before. Amari had resigned herself to captivity forever,  So he could live a long happy life; unplagued by war and worry

Now it all seemed for nothing

Someone around  him would see him dead and she would be powerless to stop it..............................

Who do you think the traitor is?




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