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Ula rushed through the halls quickly as the walls around her continued to rumble unsteadily, precariously.

The blood on her hands she couldn't tolerate. she needed to wash it off. She ran into her rooms and thrusted her soiled hands  into the water left in the basin, not upended  by the sudden attack. Guilt crept into her throat, but she pushed it down immediately. She needed to do what she did for her own survival. 

The Fazuk cared nothing for her.  it was up to herself to secure her own path, not leave it to the whims of  man. Her mothers words reverberated through her mind constantly, as they did since her untimely death.

 Yes.  Ula declared she would secure her position even if it meant the Fazuk's death. He always seemed unconcerned with her anyhow. Occupying himself with whores  rather than recognizing her unique beauty 

Many men in her own clan had fought and killed for the right of her hand only to be turned away in favor of a more superior  future. Her father knew she would take over their own clan easily/ It was her birthright, but he insisted she was meant to secure more;  to grow their clan ever further.  To heights  never seen before. Wit their  alliance she could rule both Hariyul and have sway over Leviki, plus an solid  alliance with the  Razik. Achieving  what no clan has ever before.

Especially for a woman. the thought undoubtedly swayed Ula. The seduction of power was a heady allure.  irresistible.   Particularly  when it was all she could claim for herself. She certainly couldn't  claim love. Not from  her husband not even from her father. No one had ever truly loved her, Only saw her as a means to an end. So This was all she had. Her own accomplishments whether rought  from blood or not

Reluctantly Her father found her that evening  after the attack spouting his displeasure and demands at her as he always did 

"You were supposed to kill him. You were supposed to kill her! Instead we have a not dead Fazuk, demanding to rescue a mere harlot ! you are lucky she had been declared to be valuable! Yet if the Fazuk lives.....You have ruined everything you insolent girl!!! "

"I have not!"  Ula hissed not turning to face him

"If he awakes and recalls who tried to kill him. what then?" He demanded 

Ula said nothing knowing he spoke truth she was doomed 

"He will not recover" She murmured weakly 

"You had better hope he does not."  He gripped her shoulders in a fierce bruisng grip  "I will not hesitate to  kill you myself, before i allow your incomptetence to ruin all my carefully laid plans. Daughter or not"  he sneered before he let go and left her room

Ula shuddered at the threat swallowing hard

When he left she sank low  to the ground in despair, unaware someone listened intently at the door hearing the   whole nefarious  plot

Yema sulked away quickly. she needed to reach Elka tell her what she had heard. The Fazuk was betrayed by his own bride, The Leviki was plotting against him. She could hardly believe it

Before she could reach his chambers a figure stepped into her path stalling her

He scowled down at her with a lecherous grin 

"You are a very pretty one"  He stated menacingly

Yema recognized  the voice from the one she had just heard. She knew instantly he Had saw her snooping

Her heart beat erratically with dear

"Th..Thank you Fazuk"  she adverted her eyes hoping he would leave her be

He grabbed at her abruptly. Yema  jumped away rapidly 

"I belong to  the Fazuk.  i am afraid he would be most upset if he finds any other has touched me" 

The Leviki Fazuk  advanced still unperturbed 

"As i am a Fauzk as well and he is indisposed at the moment i am sure he will not mind" 

Fear spiked   inside Yema as she looked into the Fazuk's eyes. He knew and He meant to silence her

She turned to flee away but a flurry of his men blocked her only  escape. She knew then what would be here fate,  Resigning Yema  only hoped that Elka was smart enough to learn the truth before it was too late. She truly did love the Fazuk. He unfortunately never felt the same for her. Still she would take that love to her grave clutching it as if a scarce, precious treasure



Amari had been forced to attend dinners with the Fazuk where they ridiculed her clan and her love, where the Razik clan Fazuk made his interest in her clear. She never encouraged him. She constantly  reminded him that her purpose was to build him the bombs and nothing else. It seemed to keep him at bay, but Amari worried soon enough it wouldn't. 

She had long finished constructing the dummy bombs and the  test ones. He had tested a few and was giddy with satisfaction. That night Amari had to endure more than  the occasionally forceful kiss or grope. The Fazuk was merry more than she had seen since her arrival. He boasted of an  assured victory. The Orion was confirmed wedded and now injured as they had hoped

Amari  fought the rage that night along with her tears. She longed to plunged a sharp object deep into the Fazuk's  esophagus and end his miserable worthless life

The only thing that humbled her bloodlust was the News that  Orion's death was not what the Fazuk wished, because he threw dishes, ranted and slaughtered a few of his warriors when it came. She had learned that the Leviki clan including Ula was apart of Orion's failed  assassination attempt

At first Amari was loathed to believe it. Ula had been her first friend when no once else had. They  shared secrets and tales with one another. Now Amari questioned whether any of it was true or a ploy

Her heart ached as she was sure the clan did with the news of her betrayal. Still Amari was hopeful it meant Orion was still  alive unlike the Razik Fazuk hoped. One particular day she overheard talk of storming against the clan while he was still recovering. To assure victory

Amari's  heart ached at the news of his injury but she stayed deceptively calm and plotted her next move. Chemist were logical people, very intelligent.  Logically her mind told her to discover a clever way to place herself in a position to do more. She was after all the more inferior being by hundreds of generations

The thought came to her one night as she laid singing once again on her thin cot amongst the bare floor

It was an age old tried and true method one she had been reluctant to use until now because of the danger  and implication it could evoke

However Amari was desperate.   Orion was hurt,  the clan in jeopardy still. The Razik Fazuk had not kept his word and had declared they would ride out the day after tomorrow to conquer her clan for good

Amari would seduce and gain his trust,  his favor and make sure she was with those men riding out. She would summon her inner Marilyn Monroe and use it to her advantage.  After all they were the bobs of her own creation, she knew best how to utilize them. Coupled with  her womanly sway she would convince the Fazuk of that fact also and then she would save her clan

She only hoped it would work in time. She only had one shot and the clans life, Orion's life depended on it...........................................................................

In case you were wondering Yema was raped to death //so sad

Do you think Amaris plan will work?

What do you expect will happen next i promise you will not guess it lol?




Thanks for Reading!!!!

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