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Orion had been getting stronger each day, back to his former self; unbeknownst to Ula and her rotten father. Elka convinced Orion to continue feigning  weak. So he remained  in his rooms away each day and Elka pretended to still care for his health. Ula persisted her pleas to see him. She was a great pretender Elka realized not better than herself however

They both had begun to act like the clan was already theirs. The Leviki clan Fazuk  disrespectfully sat in Orion's ruling  seat at every meal

The clan noticed the changes but said nothing loyally following Orions wishes. They were meant to secure an alliance with the Leviki's.

 no one but Elka knew of their true treachery. It was apart of her plan. Yema had disappeared mysteriously after Orion was stabbed and Elka knew they had killed her just as they attempted to do to Orion. She did not like the female much, but she was still apart of her clan and therefore deserved justice. 

Which Elka would deliver in glorious amounts

Orion demanded to be the one to kill them both for their betrayal, but instead allowed her the honor as an apology for Amari and his thanks to her for saving his life

They were kin again and Elka was thankful to receive his forgiveness. He was all the family she had left

Her plans changed one day however, when bringing midday meal to Orion's room; she overheard hushed talking


"We must prepare ourselves. Word comes that the Ravik's plan to attack soon. He expects our aid"

"But..The Fazuk stilll lives. do they know?"

A female voice. Ula. Elka realized

"It will not matter the Ravik Fazuk says they have a secret weapon that shall ensure they win no matter if he lives or not."

"But we are supposed to pretend to be their allies will they not become suspicious if we do not help?"

"I have  already sent a fake messenger to summon our clan warriors . No one will come and they will be all killed unless they yield"


"I know of the secret weapon he speaks of.  the brown skinned woman the Fazuk loves. She creates  a weapon that have increbile blasting power"

The Leviki Fazuk laughed heartily 

 "It is great that you failed to kill her after all.  she will now be of great use to us in finally conquering this clan"

Elka moved away quickly as their feet shuffled in her direction

Her mind spun with the news as she raced down the passageway fuming with rage. she would have to tell Orion to prepare for battle and move up her revenge plan.

Elka worried though, They did not have enough warriors left  to defeat the Ravik and Orion was not yet at his full strength. Without Amari's blast weapons they were doomed

Still the Hariyul clan was nothing if not fierce with persistence. Orion would never yield. he would fight until he was the last man standing and then until death stilled his blade forever

Its just as well. He planned to go after the Raviks for Amari anyway. Now he would have his chance.


That night the winds raged outside accompanied with the crash of thunder and rain. Befitting for Elka's temper that boiled beneath the surface of her calm exterior. She prepared a feast that night. Feigning a celebrating of the clans alliance

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