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"Then we shall meet them in battle at dawn" Orion declared even whilst his injured leg trembled in obvious pain that he sought to hide , even When it threatened to give out entirely

Elka had to hold Aamri back from running to him

"Dont!" Elka hissed into her ear. He is the Fazuk he cannt be seen showing a weakness she emphasized 

Amari's breaths held as she fought to hold her tongue. Orion would not survive another battle. That was blatantly clear.  He had barely healed from his last one and his leg was still difficult for him to even walk on. 

But she could not embarrass him in front of his warriors by pointing out his weakness. They whooped and banged their fists against their chests bolstered and invigorated by their Fazuk

Orion spun and captured Amari in his arms before he fled with her to his chambers

He would make love to her tonight. Slow and appreciatively . If he was to go back to war and risk never seeing her again, He wanted her to fell his fondness in his every touch, kiss and thrust. 

He Laid her down amongst the soft furs which they frequented  not so long ago, where he worshipped her body all night long; and Amari fought that night to suppress her tears at his gentle ministrations

Tonight would be all they had because tomorrow she planned to make the ultimate sacrifice for him.

 for the clan she had come to love


Dawn came swiftly and Amari dejectedly removed herself from  Orion, hardening herself for what she was about to do. 

( How excited  are you guys to see this movie.  Strong women everywhere unite! lol Anyway I realized how similar Mulan's sacrifice was to Amari's and thought this song was absolutely perfect. I recommend listening while you read this scene. I apologize if you cry lol but what's a good book without a few tears right?)

Orion would be furious with her when he found out, but to Amari it was the only way to end this dreadful war. Orion would not survive this time if he faced the Raziks and Amari  would not allow him to die.

 Not if she could do something to prevent it

She watched his sleeping form affectionately, running her eyes lovingly over his features, his perfectly muscled body. She ingrained it deep into her mind expecting never to have the pleasure to look upon him again. 

She hoped he knew how much she loved him. Even though she had never said as much. 

Amari dressed and rushed from the room concerned she might  change her mind if she stayed  even one moment longer

Elka intercepted her as she sprinted through  the halls attempting to be silent and stealthy

They looked at each other for long moments before Elka finally spoke

"He will despair child" she said knowingly

"I know" Amari answered 

Elka said nothing further they both knew what she planned to do and how Orion would feel about it, but  not much choice was there. She knew Amari' s affections for her grandson ran deeply and she would sacrifice  for him. She wanted to tell her that they could persuade him to reconsider ,but both women knew how strong Orion' s pride was. He would never allow it. He would die before he allowed himself to appear weak or vulnerable and so there was no other way

"I will see you again my daughter" 

Amari  gave her a small sad smile. Touched by her given title

"Yes you will" she replied both knowing that was unlikely .Then Amari turned and hurried away. 

As she walked out of the tribes home she broke down. Violent shudders racked her body as she sobbed. Her tears flooded her  face and her cries echoed loudly with her  agony. She didn't want to leave Orion, Ula, or Elka but she felt obligated to save them all. Leaving them would crush her spirit., she was certain but she fought the despair and summoned her inner courage. 

If she knew they were all safe she would survive. That alone would grant her endless strength. Amari marveled over how much she had grown to care for Orion and his tribe in her short time among them. She never expected to feel so much so quickly

Bravely Amari stood wiped her tears and mounted the small horse animal. she chanced one last glance back at the tribe's  home briefly. 

Elka stood there watching her with a sorrowful expression before Amari took off riding for the Razik lands leaving her heart painfully behind


The sun had just crested the sky when Amari arrived at the Razik camp. She paused to gather herself, inhaling deeply through her fear. Teats once again pricked  her lashes. She knew she would likely never seen Orion again but she still found it difficult to accept that reality. To resign herself to an less than desirable fate.  Her hands unconsciously trembled with her trepidation.  If they did not accept her proposal this would be the day she lost her life.

Amari realized  as she rode closer that the warrior had been right. they looked to be moving toward Hariyul lands with an impressive number of warriors. She knew then that she had done the right thing.  Orion would never had survived such a massive force, not with his injuries still hindering him

"HALT!!!. who are you! " a voice demanded at her approach

"I am Amari . I have come to speak to your Fazuk!"


Then a familiar  figure approached confidently through the camp. 

"You. Well i will say i am surprised. what stops me from taking your life right here and  now after what t you have done. wench!"  He spat

"Because i can help you gain further power."  Amari replied emotionlessly

He bellowed in laughter 

"You are but a mere female. how can you secure me any power"  he mocked

Amari ignored his snub about her gender and growled at his arrogant manner

"I created those explosive dvices that demolished your tribe that's how. You swear to leave Hariyul tribe alone and i will serve you making these devices. Forever" 

The Razik Fazuk seemed shocked by her words as he studied her searching for deception .When he found none he quickly agreed.  Her devices were powerful indeed and he wanted them in his possession.


And just like that Amari had signed her life away to save her tribe she adored. to save the man she had come to cherish..............................................

What do you think will happen to Amari now?

How do you think  Orion will respond to Amari's sacrifice?




thanks for Reading!

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