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Orion sat on his bed his fingers gliding across the necklace he had gifted her  so long ago. 6 seasons (1 year and 2 months) had passed since he seen her on  that battlefield; killing the Ravik Fazuk jsut before she simply disappeared.

The clan had retunred mostly unscathed and happily vitorious. Amari had used her blast weapons against the Ravik's much to their dismay and detriment. 

Once again Because of her,  his clan had lived and now were prospering. The leviki clans new Fazuk  had begged forgiveness for his former Fazuk and swore to never fight against the Hariyul as did whomever remained of the Raviks. 

They now knew that despite the Hariyul's current  lesser numbers; their weapons were no match for their own thanks to Amari. She unbeknownst to anyone,  left massive amounts of her blast weapons behind

Huge holes were visible  in the Ravik's mountain home, half their mines where they forged their Amour destroyed

But now she was gone. Just gone

 Orion could not rejoice as his clan did. He missed her.


He wanted her to come back. He could not understand where she had gone. Why she had gone. He knew she did not choose it thought. She would never. She fought for him,  sacrificed for him. She was taken involuntarily.  Orion was certain of it

So he waited.

 Day after Day.  Full moon after Full moon. Season after Season

Until she came back. He refused to give up. He would never  give up on  her hoping 

After the battle;  the Leviki' s conceded defeat and the  Raviks failed  in their attempted coup. Eventually having to concede e as well

Both clans offered woman as homage , however Orion would not take another bedmate;  no matter how they tried. He found himself too heartbroken to even notice their pitiful seductive attempts

His clan noticed his melancholic disposition still he did not care. He washed,  Ate, hunted,  did everything in a pure perfunctory manner. 




He wondered constantly if she were alive? Well? Safe?

The not knowing  was what gutted him deep. His grandmother shared the same sadness although he was sure she hid it much better, Orion simply did not care to do so

He explained to her what he witnessed  that day she disappeared before his very  eyes and she told him what Amari had said,  about her not being from these lands

He knew that already;  everyone did.  it was bluntly obvious she was different in all ways.

 Her skin 

 her speech 

her clothing

 her knowledge,  All of it

Still Orion wouldn't believe she went back to wherever she was from and forgot him completely. 

So he went to that place  where she vanished each day. 

He chose different  times, in case she showed up any time of day but he found nothing

For 6 entire seasons.

 And each day she was not there his hope died a little more. But he persisted.

 His iron clad heart ached and  chipped away, slowly;  bit still he could not stop hoping. 

Could not stop coming. 

This day he sat along the ground, as he always did, he bodies that had  fallen in the battle   so long ago long gone;  thanks to he carnivorous animals of the forest.

His mind replayed the fight, over and over in his head 

He had  watched Amari fight the Ravik Fazuk ,the sounds of her blasts weapons  blowing apart dirt and the deafening explosion of rocks, as chunks of  mountain blew away crumbling its very foundation to dust

 He saw her take a fatal blow to her shoulder. Saw her fall to her knees as he fought viciously to reach her,  to aid her 

Then she was gone 

And had been for so, so long

Orion hung his head a physical ache in his chest stealing his breath each time he recalled his failure to reach her 

to help her

 to save her 

His beloved...................................................




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